Epilogue: Kayla

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"Alright here's your fruit snacks. I put the tv so you can watch steven's universe. I have some work I gotta do for at least an hour, okay?"

"Okay mama," Malachi sat down in front of the tv and watched.

I wasn't doing any work. I was working on my pole dancing. I had taken up pole dancing recently because I wanted to get back to feeling my sexy self again and I figured maybe it would help.

It's been really fun learning and I'm trying to get Kamaria to go to a class with me. But that bitch is stubborn.

Isaiah and I were engaged until recently when he called it off. He said he doesn't feel like we are really good for each other.

Maybe he's right. I felt that the pressure from having Malachi might've made him propose to me, on top of Aubrey and Kamaria having the perfect relationship. His best friend Daniel was married with a kid. Maybe he thought he needed to rush into adulthood. But he wasn't ready and maybe I wasn't either.

We were good with co-parenting Malachi. It was weird because Isaiah had proposed us getting back together a few times. But I was started to realize Isaiah and I just had fun.

We were a very energetic, horny and happy couple at the time who wasn't understanding what it meant to really be an adult.

Everyone thinks they get it by age twenty four. But we all take different paths.

Mine was to be a single badass mom. I think I was killing it.

I didn't feel like putting myself back out there. Part of me thought maybe Isaiah and I would mature enough to really be together like a family. But part of me also didn't wanna get my hopes up because he would probably move on.

But I was grateful for such a beautiful son by my side. He was the opposite of me. Very calm, cool and collected. Very mature and funny. He had an old soul and he was understanding.

And I was excited to raise him and for him to teach me so much.

And to finally not be the only black ginger in a room.

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