Chapter Forty Six

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Every time Aubrey and I saw each other it was like a criminal and a cop crossing paths.

It was ridiculous but I knew it was for the best right now. I knew he was innocent and I wanted to tell him. But I also wanted to catch Bria in her own trap to confirm everything.

It was Friday though, so the weekend was approaching and I was excited.

"Hey Darius," I meet him in one of the conference rooms.

"What's up Kam," he nods. I guess he decided to give me a nickname?

"Heard that Bria's pregnant," I say. He has a look on his face.

"Yeah I heard about that too," he says. "Heard your boyfriend the baby daddy."

"Yeah I also heard that. But it was weird because I also heard you two were hooking up?"

He shakes his head. "Look I know you're hurt about Mr. Graham and Bria...But Bria been pregnant when we were hooking up. She's like three months. It's not my baby," he laughs.

"She told you she was pregnant?"

He looks at me in disbelief. "N-no but she said she—," I cut him off. "She also said she didn't start the fire."

He stays silent. He goes out into the hallway and looks around before shutting the door. "What is your point Kamaria?"

"My point is that baby could be yours. Do you want a baby right now?"

She vigorously shakes his head. "Of course not."

"Then you need to find out. Or else if her lies fall'll be stuck with a child," I shrug.

He sighs. "You know I know you're right. I had a feeling too after she announced it. But I just didn't want the responsibility and I thought it was better if Mr. Millionaire took bait for it," he sighs.

"Don't'll be okay," I pat his back. "Did you guys use protection at least?"

He shakes his head. "She said she was on the pill."

I nod. "That's all I needed to know," I walk out the conference room and stop my phone recording.

Bria got the wrong bitch.


Seeing Kamaria all over the office makes me
Unmotivated to do anything. I almost wished that the building burned down.

I had seen her with Daniel and Darius. What if she was using them to get over me? She's probably over me already.

What if they're serious and they're fucking? They're boning her at the same time? Kayla too? I knew Kayla lowkey liked Kamaria—

My mind was overflown with different thoughts when a familiar face came through the door.

"Don't look so sad Aubrey," Cristiano laughs. "You look sleep deprived."

"I am," I sigh. "How did shit go south so quickly."

"Well I'm surprised. You've been a player for so long maybe you have other kids you don't know about," he laughs.

I glare at him. "Sorry not funny," he chuckles. "How is Miss Kamaria?"

"She hates me...I just know it. It's my fault I did this."

"Let me talk to her. Maybe I can mediate and see how she feels."

"Nah man...she's done with me."

Cristiano shakes his head. "No no. I'll fix this just wait," he says. "I'll update you."

I sigh. I shouldn't let him do this but...I'm desperate and I want her back in my arms.

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