Chapter Twenty Five

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"It only took you guys five decades," Kayla laughs.

I was telling her about Aubrey and I's new relationship and she was over the moon.

"Now you, me, Isaiah and him can go on double dates," she goes on about. It started to remind me of Daniel.

I forgot all about him.

"Fuck," I mumble under my breathe.


"No nothing I was just thinking about something."

She gives me a suspicious "mhm" and continues her ranting. I guess I'll figure that out when we go to work.

"So what do you think?"

"Yeah that sounds great," I tell her. I wasn't listening to anything she said honestly. My mind kept slipping to the fact that Aubrey and I were dating.

"I'll call you later girl. Enjoy your New Years Eve."

I hang up and run my hands through my hair. I also didn't realize it was already New Years Eve.

After Christmas, Aubrey and I had went on our first date. He took me to this race car place and it was so much fun. Then we went out and got burgers. He was nice to be around, especially in such a casual setting.

Things were going well and I didn't know what to do today, or if he had anything planned.

Then I get a text.

Hey Kamaria,
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas. I'm throwing a New Years Eve party and I thought I should invite you.
Hopefully I can see you there (:

Well guess there's no avoiding him. I wasn't sure what to respond. I mean I could go but I knew nothing good would come out of it.

It's New Year's Eve. Everyone is drunk. I know Daniel was thinking the same thing Aubrey was thinking before he asked me out.

They were running on time.

I could bring Aubrey along and that would tell Daniel...kinda?

I decided I would respond later and figure it out. It's not my issue right now.

I get an incoming call from Aubrey.

"Hey," I could hear the smirk on his face.

"What's up?"

"I'm just tryna see what's the plan for tonight?"

I laughed. "You expect me to have a plan for tonight?"

"Yes aren't you the social one between the two of us."

"Sir you're kindly mistaken."

"So what do you wanna do then? You can come over?"

I didn't like New Years party's in all honesty so I think chilling at his house would be a good idea.

"Yeah I'll see you in a couple of hours?"

"...Or you could just come now?"

"You're not tired of me?"

"No I miss you...a lot," he mumbled.

I thought about it for a bit. "I guess I can come in an hour."

"Bet I'll see you then," he hangs up.

I decide to get in the shower before heading over there.


"That's why I fucked yo bitch, you fat motherfucker," I was rapping along to my playlist. Tupac really brought out the aggression in me for my workouts.

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