Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was sitting at the front desk, texting Isaiah. Nobody was here yet. I was feeling really good so I decided to come a little early and I even got Kamaria one of her favorite coffee's.

I was so excited for Kamaria and Aubrey. I had been working for him for a while and I could tell he was missing someone in his life. Sex could only satisfy you for so long.

I mean with the exception of my Isaiah of course.

I get a phone call that interrupts my thoughts.


"Kayla...are they there?"


"Kamaria and Mr. Graham?"

"Boy no now get your ass to work," I was about to hang up but he stopped me.

"I think I need to call out sick today," he gives me the shittiest fake cough.

"You could at least try to sound sick," I laugh.

He sighs. "Kayla you know how much I like Kamaria."

Damn I felt kind of bad now. On top of that, I was dating one of his closest friends....imagine if I bring Kamaria and Mr. Graham around them.

"I know I'm sorry. If you two are meant to happen you'll happen though."

"Yeah but I can't see my boss and Kamaria boo'd up all through the office."

I laughed at the thought of Kamaria and Mr. Graham being all up on each other in the office. Kamaria didn't leave her desk to eat lunch until a few days ago.

"Trust me that won't happen. Kamaria's too shy and plus it's the work place. They have home to get it on," I say.

Then I realize what I just said. "Oh my bad man."

"It's cool. Just cover for me please."

I sigh. "Okay but you can't hide forever."

"You're right. I'll talk to you later," he hangs up. Damn what a shitty way to start the new year.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the front door opening.

"WELL HELLO YOU TWO," I make my way over there smirking.

Kamaria was going to hate me.


"WELL HELLO YOU TWO," Kayla smirks at us.

I knew she was about to say some dumb shit so I had to prepare for that.

Aubrey and I didn't even plan to get to work at the same time. It just happened man.

"Hey Kayla," I wave at her. Hopefully she'd tone it down but she didn't give a fuck.

"You guys look cute," she smirks. "Had a good break I hope?"

I could see Aubrey's face getting red. "Yeah I hope you enjoyed your vacation as well."

"Oh I did. Isaiah and I got to catch up on a lot. How about you guys?"

I gave her a look and she kept going. "You know I started this new birth control and let me tell you—," before she can continue, Aubrey interrupts.

"I'm gonna go to my office so y'all can talk about girl things," he nods.

We wave bye and he rushes up there with a tinted red face.


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