Chapter Thirty

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After the Daniel situation, Kamaria and I fixed things.

I felt really bad about how stressed she was. She didn't mean for it to happen. She's just so makes me insecure sometimes I guess.

Yeah I can admit that shit. I felt like I couldn't keep her because she just captures everyone's attention without trying.

How can I compete with that?

All things aside, I decided not to fire Daniel. Only because Kamaria asked me not to.

But he's on thin ice here. One fuck up and he's gone.

"Good morning Kamaria," he smiles at her. Then him and I make eye contact.

"Um good m-morning Mr. Graham," he coughs.

"Mhmm," I watch him walk down the hall. Then my beautiful girl comes up to me.

"Babe be nice," Kamaria says.

"I'm trying," I sigh and wrap her in my arms. She always made me feel better about everything. Especially with all the stress I'm under currently for the company.

"You okay?"

"Yeah um," I cough. "Are you free after work?"

"Yeah I should be, why?"

"I wanna make you dinner tonight," I kiss her shoulder. A big smile spreads on her face.

"Yeah I can come over," she smiles.

"Okay I'll see you."

"Yes you will," she smirks and walks away. She was gonna be the death of me. My heart couldn't handle how she made me feel.

"Sir you have four meetings today," Darius comes into my office.

This was going to be a long ass day.


Work felt longer than usual. It might've been because I was just looking forward to seeing Aubrey tonight.

I didn't really see him on weekdays with the exception of work, so this was nice.

Work came to an end eventually and the office emptied out slowly. I grabbed my stuff to leave but went to check on Aubrey first.

"Hey," I peak into his office to see him on the phone.

"Hold on Mr. Stevens," he puts the phone down. "Hey I'll call you okay?"

I nod and wave. I clock out and walk down to the entrance where Kayla is about to leave.

"Big night ahead of you," she winks.

"Girl shut up its dinner."

She laughs and we leave together. "We have to double date sometime."

"You think Isaiah will like the fact that I went with his friends' boss and not his friend," I chuckle.

"Pshhh he don't give a fuck about that."

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