Chapter Forty

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On the plane, I couldn't focus or stay still. My body was jittery and I couldn't relax no matter who or what told me to.

My office was on fucking fire? I didn't know how bad...but I had all types of fire department rush over there to make sure my employees are safe. My building could be crumbled into pieces on the ground for all I know.

"Baby please try to relax—," I hear Kamaria's soft voice and I look at her. "Listen don't tell me to calm down right now. You don't understand, this is all I have," I run my hands through my hair.

After having said that, I realize what it is I just said. I look at her face and she looks upset. I didn't mean to—fuck. She puts her headphones on and looks out the window.

I was in a shitty place right now. I had been working so hard to elevate my company and everything was literally burning down. My job is all I it's all I had. Now I have Kamaria to look forward to and I need to get a fucking grip before I burn this relationship down as fast as it built up.

I'm just so used to always having control and now everything is out of my hands. I didn't even know the condition of this fire. Maybe it's not too bad of a fire?

The plane reached the ground finally. I was sad that I had to cut our trip short. I had a lot of things planned for Kamaria and I.

We get off the plane and go to the car in silence. It was hurting me more than anything right now. We got into the car and headed for OVO. We drove for about twenty minutes until I decided to say something. I needed to apologize.

"Kamaria," I mumble to her. I look over to the passengers side and she's sound asleep. She's definitely tired.

After some more time driving, I reach my building. I get out of the car to see some police at the front. The building was still intact. I just needed to see the inside.

"Excuse me, Mr. Graham?" The cop comes to me. "How are you sir? Can you come with me please," he walks inside the building and I follow. Everything looked fine...or it seems I spoke too soon.

"This room is where it started," he explains. "Fortunately the firefighters were able to contain it before it reached the hallways and other rooms."

I sigh in relief. It was only the staff room and that room needed to be remodeled anyways. I guess I shouldn't have let Kayla's paranoia get to me. I know we'd have to do a lot of electrical re-wiring but it's not too bad.

"Alright thank you very much. I will be getting this remodeled immediately," I chuckle. The police officer gives me a serious look.

"Mr. Graham sir. I think you need to take this seriously. This fire was not an accident."


"I don't understand man...," I scratch my head. "Mr. Graham we found this," he hands me a bunch of chapstick and lipstick tubes that are burnt up and empty. They also had ziplocks full of tubes that were in ashes. "We found these at the scene and it seems as though someone used them to start a fire on purpose. Lipstick doesn't just catch fire."

My head started racing...not even my worst enemy would do this? Then I remembered... Bria.


After the fire at the office, I went to the doctor just to make sure none of the smoke did any serious damage to my lungs.

I had to be in the room to make it look less suspicious so, I inhaled a good amount of smoke. And wasted so much money on good chapstick. But the internet teaches you a lot of ways to start an innocent fire.

But at least Aubrey is home.

"Bria?" I hear the doctor come in. "So you seem to be fine. None of the smoke harmed you or the baby," The doctor says.

"Okay thank y—," I stop myself. "Baby?"

"Yes only a week in," the lady smiles. "Let me know when you want to start having check ups."

She walks out and I look at the wall. "Fucking Darius."

I had to get an abortion. I couldn't have someone like Darius' baby.

...but I could certainly have someone like Aubrey's baby.


I open my eyes and realize I'm in a comfy bed. I look up and see him, shirtless and putting on lotion it seems. He probably just got out of the shower.

He looks over and sees I'm awake. "Hey," he sighs. "Can we please talk." I sit up and cross my arms. I understood he was stressed out, shit anyone would be.

But what I didn't understand was why he was taking his frustration out on me. I wasn't really angry at him, more so worried. I don't want stuff like that to affect our relationship.

"Kamaria I'm so sorry I snapped at you in the plane, I was just stressed out and I don't even know why—," I cut him off. "It's okay...I'd just rather you tell me what's going on next time."

He sighs and comes to give me a kiss. "So did you go and visit?"

He nods. "The fire was contained in the staff room so it didn't reach elsewhere. I'm going to have them remodel it and keep work off for a week," he runs his hands through his head. "I also need to hire a private investigator to see who did this."

I look at him confused. "What do you mean? It's a fire baby."

He shakes his head. "No Kamaria," he shows me photos of burned up chapstick. "The police report show someone intentionally started the fire and I have to find out who."

"I think we know who," I look at one of the chapstick tubes.

Bria not only started the fire, but is pregnant?
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Sorry I didn't update, George Floyd's death really ruined my whole week and I just didn't feel motivated to do any writing.
Hopefully we will see better days❤️

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