Chapter Eighteen

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It was the week day again, and it was time to get ready for work.

After Daniel and I left, we chilled at his place for a bit. Nothing really happened we just talked. He's a really nice guy actually.

And Kayla has been going on and on about Isaiah since Saturday. They had sex and she's in love I guess.

Now ladies, don't make this mistake.

I was getting ready for work when, I get a call.


"Hey Kamaria," I hear Cristiano's voice at the end of the line.

"Long time no see," I smile. He was always a refreshing voice to hear.

"Yes how have you been?"

"Good and you?"



"Because two people I care about so deeply refuse to acknowledge their love for each other," he fake sobs.

So dramatic. "Very funny Cristiano," I roll my eyes.

"Come on Kamaria. You guys could be so happy together," he pouts.

"He's happy with someone else and he's my boss."

"Someone else?"

"I saw him with a girl Saturday on a date. She's very pretty," I shrug.

"I'm gonna kill him," he mumbles to himself.

"If that's all I—," Cristiano cuts me off. "No I also wanted to invite you to a fashion show this weekend. Maybe I can get you interested in the fashion business part time."

It sounded kind of fun so why not. "Sure why not."

"Great I'll send you details. Love you," he hangs up.

I grab my bag and head to my car. I just needed work to end quickly so I could go to sleep.



I feel my eardrum being blown out by the loud yelling coming from the receiving end of the phone.

"Relax I—," Cristiano yells at me again.

"You have had every chance to get with this girl and you keep blowing it," he huffs. "Why is it so easy for you to put your dick in random bitches but you can't talk to her?"


"Listen it's complicated...she works for me and I can't just," he stops me.

"In Dubai you guys were getting close. You've had multiple chances to make a move and you're not making any."

He's not wrong but, she's probably interested in Daniel so there's no point.

My thoughts get cut off by Cristiano. "I invited her to the fashion show this week end and you're going to be there to give her company."

"Cristiano I—," he hangs up the phone and I run my hands through my head.

"Damn, Why is the hardest part of this job my love life."

"Because you're not opening yourself up to falling in love," Kayla walks in. She looked like she had just met Prince Charming or some shit.


"When you allow yourself to open up to someone— Mr. Graham it's a new experience," she says making hand motions.

"Kayla are you high?"

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