Chapter Twenty One

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Having my mom here was quite refreshing. I hadn't seen her in so long and I didn't know anyone. But unfortunately for me, she had to go back before Christmas came around. So I knew I was going to be alone.

It was Wednesday and I was driving her back to the airport. I had to book her flight early so I'd make it to work on time.

"I'm gonna miss you," she says. "And your boss."

"Mom," I whine. Our entire trip, she's been able to mention Mr. Graham at least in every conversation we have.


"Mom please stop looking into this," I tell her. She liked him a lot and she thought he liked me.

But I knew he didn't. Especially after he called me his friend.

And I don't have an issue with that. But I wish she'd stop bringing him up. We're cool that's all.

"Kamaria you never talk to me about guys," she sighs. "I wanna know what's going on. This is the first time I've ever even seen you smile at one."

She wasn't wrong. I just didn't wanna invest my time into something I knew wouldn't work.

"Mom I'm sorry you feel like that. I just don't have time for men right now."

"Not even one?"

"Not my boss either. Unless it's for a pay check."

"Is there anyone else then?"

I hesitate. I could bring up Daniel but I didn't even know where that was going.

"N-Not really."


My mom knew me inside out so, there was no point lying.

"There's some guy at work named Daniel—," she stops me.

"You and the work place," she laughs. "Can I see?"

When we reach a stop light (drive safe kids), I show her a picture.

"Oh wow Kamaria," she smiles.

Lord have mercy.

The drive was silent for a bit. Which made me feel uneasy.


"You text so dryly Kamaria," she says.

I felt my heart stop. If this woman was going through my texts I swear—

We got to a red light and I took my phone. "What you think your doing eh? You grown but I'll still slap you upside—"

"Mom it's my phone," I look and see she sent something.

Hello I know it is late but I miss you ):

"Mama please tell me this is a joke," I cry. It's well into four am in the morning and she sent that to Daniel.

"What? Your messages are so dry," she yawns. "It's okay to be affectionate."

"Yeah when you're dating someone."

"Well that's why I sent that."

We finally make it to the airport after a long headache of a drive.

"Kamaria I just want you to be happy. You're going to grow faster than you realize and I want to see you grow and be happy with someone," she sighs.

I hug her. Ever since my dad left, it's been just us. I know she probably wants me to start a family so we can have more of us. I'm just not ready though.

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