Chapter Eight

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"Please Aubrey," Melissa cried. She was getting streaks of mascara on my dress shirt.

"Melissa please," I back up.

I had just approached my house when she came out of her car and ran to me.

We used to hook up a couple months ago. But I told her to drop my number so I'm not sure why she was at my door.

"I miss you," she bites her lips at me. I scoff and walk to my front door to unlock it.

"Wait," she places her hand on my shoulder. I turn around and look at her expectingly.

"How are you?"

I look at her and chuckle. "Melissa I will be filing a restraining order tonight," I walk away and go inside my house.

"Jesus Christ," I slam the door. I check my security cameras and see she's sitting on my steps, crying.

I had cut things off with her because she was plotting to get pregnant so she could have her "perfect family."

You know how crazy some of these people out here are once they find out you're rich.

I take off my suit jacket and roll up my sleeves. I was about to go to the kitchen but there was another knock on the door.

"Melissa what do you wa—," I open the door.

It's not Melissa.

There's a package with a letter taped on top of it.

Good Evening Mr. Graham,
Today you've been invited to an important business conference in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on September 21 through September 28. We hope to see you there with a plus one.

I roll my eyes and open the package.

There was an all white suit with an all white dress as the attire for business meeting

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There was an all white suit with an all white dress as the attire for business meeting.

They always did that so everyone could look different.

Of course I never liked anything they sent but I could actually get down with this white suit.

I pull out the white dress and already envision its holy white fabric on Kamaria. She'd look amazing in this.

Maybe I'll actually go to one of these.

I grab the package and bring it inside. Then I pick up my phone.

"Should I call her," I mumble to myself.

Nah that would be weird, yeah? But I won't see her over the weekend and our flight would leave for Monday so I guess I have to.

"I guess I have to call her," I smirk.

I dial her number and wait.

It keeps ringing and ringing. I was about to hang up when she finally picks up.

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