Epilogue: Daniel

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"Afia! Guess what? They've finally promoted me," I run into our house.

"I told you that you'd get the promotion," she smiles. "Ashanti tell your daddy I said I told you so," she laughs.

"Mommy told you so," Ashanti grinned.

"Yeah you're right," I laugh.

I came to Ghana a few years ago and now I'm married with a daughter. It felt like it was just yesterday that I thought I'd never get over Kamaria.

But life had other plans for me when I settled here.


"Alright Daniel this is where you will be staying," the hotel agent said. "Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you," the lady smiled.

"medaase," I smile and she nods.

I know it was random to just start life fresh in Ghana. But I always wanted to travel and to live life somewhere other than America so here I am.

I had found a job here and I was going to start tomorrow. But I didn't know anyone so I knew I was going to have to start from scratch.

New friends, new job, eventually new complex to live in.

Dating wasn't really on my mind because I had so much to figure out first. Until I laid eyes on Afia when I was taking the bus.

I learned that she and I worked for the same company.

I found myself staring at her all the time, I should've slapped myself really. One day she came up to my desk.

"Excuse me Mr. Simmons," she says.

"Yes Ms. Amoah?"

"What is your problem?" She crosses her arms.


"Aboa. You everytime I turn around I see you're looking at me. Why? Is there something on my face? Please stop it," she says.

I laugh and sit up from my desk. "Ms. Amoah I'll have you know I was only looking at you because I thought you were absolutely beautiful," I said. "And I've been wanting to get to know you... I was just scared."

She was taken back by my statement. But my forward statement was all it took and here we are now.

Flashback over

We got married three years ago and then came Ashanti. Afia is pregnant again and I'm hoping for a son this time.

"Daddy I have a question," Ashanti comes and taps me.

"What is it?"

"What was America like?"

"It was like here but not as fun."

She crosses her arms. "You are lying. America has Disney world. I want you to take me to Disney world."

"Hey! You are only three and see how you are running your mouth," Afia shakes her head and laughs.

"Okay one day I'll take you and mommy to Disney world okay?"

"Okay daddy," she gives me a kiss and goes to finish eating her chicken nuggets.

I go over to help Afia cook.

"Here let me finish cooking," I tell her.

"So I teach you how to make light soup and now you think you know everything," she smiles. "Okay please be my guest."

"That I will," I wink.

Sometimes you just have to follow your heart and do what you think is best. You never know what blessings are for you somewhere else

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