Chapter Seventy One

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"You coming?"

She shakes her head. "No I'm just gonna get started on this for an hour or two but I'll be home soon," she tells me.

"Aight...see you then," I sigh and walk back to my office.

It's been two months since Kamaria and I lost our child.

It's still hard for me to believe that I was going to be a dad and then it was taken away from me. I couldn't help but beat myself up about it. I just think about the fact that I didn't open the door...that she was in pain and I wasn't there because I had to close this stupid deal.

Maybe things could've gone much better if I hadn't said "give me five minutes."

Nonetheless, I couldn't imagine how it has been for Kamaria. She doesn't really wanna talk to me about it.

Afterwards, she kind of shut me out. I could tell she was trying to get past it and keep moving on. And I didn't want to push her to talk about it.

Part of me wondered if she was mad at me. I wouldn't blame her. I should've—

"Hello?" I look up and see Kayla looking at me with a concerned look on her face.

"Are you good boss?"

"Yeah," I cough. "Yeah I was just thinking."

"You do that quite a bit lately. She doing okay?"

I shrug. "I hope so. How is Malachi?"

I could tell Kayla was hesitant to answer. She probably felt the last thing we should be talking about is kids. But I didn't mind.

Malachi was an amazing baby and he gave me hope.

"He's doing good. He definitely misses you guys. He's become familiar with your faces," she smiles.

"We'll be visiting as soon as possible. So he doesn't miss us too much."

She nods and heads to her car. "I know you've been patient with this situation. And I know she's going to keep pushing it off like it's nothing," Kayla says.

"I know...I don't wanna force her."

"I know. I just know she's holding it all in. Both of you take care. Even if you need to both take off from work. Everything will be good here," she gives me a sympathetic look and I nod.

I get in my car and head home, thinking about what Kayla said.


I was finishing up things at work. It was dark and everyone had left.

I decided I might as well finish this up since I had nothing left to do.

I hear a vibration from the inside of my desk. I open it and see my mom is calling me.

"I'll call her back later," I mumble to myself and close it.

Thirty minutes pass and I finished everything I need to do. But I didn't want to go home. I knew I wasn't alone. But I felt like I was.

The house just reminded me of a lot. So I just don't like being home. But I knew I couldn't evade it forever.

I packed up my stuff and got in the car. I tried to listen to some music on the way to calm my nerves but it wasn't working.

Everyday I just feel so anxious and upset. I don't feel myself much anymore. Everything was going well and then went down hill so quickly.

I park in front of the house and sit there for a few minutes.

"What are you doing," I sigh to myself and get out of the car. I needed to get my shit together.

I unlock the door and the house is dark. Maybe Aubrey went somewhere?

I turn the kitchen light on and see that a plate was left for me with a cup of tea. Aubrey and I haven't eaten together in a long time. I felt bad that he was probably waiting for me.

I go into my room to put my bag away and see Aubrey fell asleep. I knew he was working hard. He must've been tired.

I wash my hands and go to the kitchen to eat a little bit before taking a shower and sleeping. While I was eating, I hear footsteps coming towards me.


I look up and see Aubrey with his dress shirt loose and pants not buckled.

"Sorry if I woke you—," he cuts me off. "No no you didn't. Just wanted to make sure you're home safe."

"Ohh," I take a bite of my food. It felt hard to swallow. Like there was a lot of tension in the room.

Both of us wanted to say something but we couldn't.

"Are you okay?"

I look up at him. It was an odd question from him at this time.  

"Yeah I'm fine," I shrugged it off.

He comes closer to me. "I'm serious Kamaria," he sighs. "I don't want to push you. But I'm worried about you," he says.

"You don't have to worry about me Aubrey, I'm okay."

He doesn't say anything for a minute. "I miss you," he mumbled. "I don't see you anymore. I feel like we've become strangers."

I don't know what to say... because he's right.

"I know a lot has happened. A lot is going on. But I don't ever want you to go through it alone."

I look at him and feel my eyes start to water but, I don't want to cry.

"Aubrey," I sigh. "I'm sorry—."

"You don't need to apologize. I just want to know that you're okay babe. I just wanna spend time with you more. I don't wanna leave you alone with everything you've been through."

I appreciated that Aubrey was empathetic towards me. I know he was hurting too and me ignoring him didn't help.

"Come," he grabs my hand and brings me back to the bedrooom and sits me on the bed. "You know...we haven't had a date in a while" he huffs.

I nod.

"Maybe this weekend," he smirks.

I feel a smile creep up on my face. "Maybe."

"But first," he sits next to me on the bed and holds my hand. "I feel like we should talk about things. Doesn't have to be today or tomorrow. But I still think we should."

"I know," I sigh. "I'm sorry...I just haven't been in my right mind lately."

"Don't apologize," he shakes his head. "It hasn't been easy on you."

"Or you," I shrug. "I get that you're worried about me but I know that you've also been dealing with a lot."

He shrugs. "It's only more stressful if you don't tell me what you're thinking. If you're at peace, I can be a peace."

I nod. "We can talk about it. But I'm really tired right now."

"Okay," he kisses my head. "Let me know when you're ready."

Will I ever be ready?

Thank You Guys for Reading ❤️‍🔥

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Um...I have a lot of explaining to do 🙈 Y'all I'm so sorry I abandoned yall. I really was in a time where I felt like giving up on everything. But nothing kills me more than an unfinished Wattpad story & I'll never do that to yall!

Please recap if you need to, it's been a long time and I am so sorry 🥲 Will yall forgive me?

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