Chapter Thirteen

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Me and Kamaria we're sitting on the couch, watching a movie.

I couldn't believe what had happened an hour ago.

I can believe one thing...

I definitely won't be going back there every again.

I assumed that she probably thought I was going to fire her. If anything, I wanted to give her a raise.

I didn't think she'd stand up for us like that at all. In front of all those people...

After I treated her like shit earlier.


"Yeah," she mumbles.

"You're an amazing woman. You know that?"

She looks at me. "An amazing woman? More like an insane one."

"No you aren't. That was amazing like... damn."

She smiles and looks at me. "Yeah until I went to the bathroom to cry."

"Hey it's okay. I know that was a lot to handle. But we won't be back here again."

"Good," she smiles.

"Soo...," I take a sip of my water. "You're bilingual?"

She smiles. "Well my mom always said Lolemu moko ezali nyosso te."

I lift my eyebrow and look at her. "It basically means it's better to speak more than one language basically."

"Yeah well all I can say is Hola," I laughs.

She laughs with me until, her phone goes off.

"Hold on."

She goes to get her phone and answer it.


"Oh hey I wasn't expecting you to call."

"Yeah that would be cool."

"Okay. Bye"

She gets off the phone and looks at me.


"I have a question," she smiles innocently.


"How would you feel if Toni took me around Dubai to see stuff?"

I look at her and frown. But I promised her I wouldn't be so cold.

"I get really bad vibes from him Kamaria."

She sighs. "I know but it'll be just a tour. I'll be okay."

I sigh and nod. "Yeah that's fine just call me if you need anything."

She nods and goes to get ready.

I guess I'll be alone for the rest of the day.


"What do you think of this?" I step out in a dress I picked from my suitcase.

"You know you look good," Aubrey sighs. "Is this like a date or something?"

"No silly," I laugh. "Why would I go on a date with someone I'll met once in my life."

He looks at me. "I guess. Just be safe like I told you."

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine," I grab my bag and leave him alone. "And I didn't wear heels this time so my feet won't hurt."

He laughs and waves goodbye. I felt kind of bad for leaving him alone but, I just wanted to see the city before we left.

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