Chapter Nineteen

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Lunch with Kamaria was, interesting to say the least. We got confused for a married couple at least twenty times....yeah it made everything pretty uncomfortable for us.

But otherwise it was good. I mean I think so? She chose me over Daniel so I definitely have a chance here.

But I also basically demanded her to have lunch with I don't know.

It was finally the Week-end and for once I had somewhere to be.

Cristiano had invited me to some fashion show I guess I was going to. Mainly in hopes to see Kamaria.

"You're letting yourself go man," I mumble to myself.

Pray for me.


I was at the airport, awaiting the arrival of my mother. She should be here any minute.

I look up from my phone and see her leaving the building, looking for my car.

I step out the car. "Mom!"

She rushes over to where I am and gives me a big embrace.

"Oh my Kamaria, you're going to knock me down," my mom says.

I was so excited to see her. I hadn't seen her in a really long time because I was always busy because work or school.

"I miss you."

"I miss you too sweetheart."

I let go of her and help her put her stuff in my car. "Ah I thought we talked about investing in a new car?"

"Ma don't worry about it. It's taking me places and that's it," I laugh. She's always worrying herself about the wrong thing.

We get in the car and head for home. "Now I know you're probably tired," I start. "But I have a special surprise."

"What is it?"

"I got invited to a fashion show and I—," before I can even finish my mom is all over the place.

"Oh my God Kamaria, How did you not tell me," she gasps. "We gotta get ready."


"I know but don't worry, we have some time."

I pull into my place. "You're doing so well for yourself you know," she cheeses.

My mom was my biggest supporter and she was always encouraging me with the little things I did.

I grab her stuff and head inside. "Wow so organized unlike when you were younger," she laughed.

"Yeah yeah," I laugh. "I'm gonna change."

I go to my room and see what to wear. What do you wear to a fashion show?

 What do you wear to a fashion show?

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