Chapter Forty Five

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Work the next day was awkward to say the least. Everybody in the office was in a bad mood...except for Bria.

"Good morning Ms. Valoy," Aubrey says to me.

"Good morning Mr. Graham," I try to keep it professional. "How was your night?"


"It was okay," I nod. "Here's the stats you asked for," I hand them to him and leave as fast as I could before I suffocated in the awkwardness.

I ran into Kayla and she also looked upset. "Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah I just wanna beat Bria up but she's pregnant," she grumbles.

Oh my goodness.

The day goes by slow, but soon enough I'm able to clock out of work. I see Daniel coming.

"Hey you ready?"

"As ready as you are," and we walk out. I turn around and I see Aubrey with a pissed off look on his face.

Oh shit...he's going to think—

You know what, it doesn't matter what he thinks right now. I just want to hear what Daniel has to say.


Going out with Kamaria made me feel all the things she made me feel previously.

Which is why telling her what I had to tell her was gonna break me into pieces because she was going to hate me forever.

So I better enjoy this before it all comes crashing down.

We went to this seafood place. It had really good shrimp and lobster so I decided to take her.

"This place looks so nice," she cheeses. I knew she was going through a hard time with everything going on with her and Aubrey. I was glad she could be a little bit happy right now.

"Table for two?" The waitress asks us. She takes us to our table and we start talking.

"You were at work when the fire happened, right?"

I nod. "Yeah luckily I was in the lobby talking to Kayla. So it was easy to get away. Can't say the same for Bria and Darius though. I was sure those two would've died."

"Bria and Darius?"

"Yeah they were in the staff room when the fire started," I tell her. Just like everyone else, I also believed Bria started the fire.

She's shown me nothing but how evil she is so...I wouldn't put it past her.

"I'm tempted to order alcohol but I know I shouldn't," Kamaria laughs. "I'll have water please."

"As will I," I tell the waiter. "Girl I'm driving you can order alcohol if you want."

She shakes her head. "I don't think that will be a good idea for me."

"Fair enough."

"So are you going to keep me waiting? I want to know," she lifts an eyebrow.

"Let's order food then I'll tell you," I suggest. She agrees to that and we order entrees.

"Your shrimp looks hella good," I tell her. She gives me a piece to try.

"Thank you for bringing me to a seafood place. I'm a seafood type of girl."

"Anyway," I chuckle. I was having a lot of fun with her. It sucked because I knew it would take a long time for my romantic feelings for Kamaria to waiver. But we could actually be really good friends if she wanted.

She was so down to earth and chill. So intelligent and I felt blessed to be in her presence.

Which is why what I had to tell her was going to break me.

"So I need to tell you a lot of things," I sigh. "I want you to know straight off the bat that I'm on your side in everything. I'd never purposefully hurt you ever."

She gives me a concerned look. "Alright."

I breathe out. "I don't think Bria is pregnant with Aubrey's kid. I know she's lying."


When Daniel told me that, I was confused. Not because of what he said but because...where would he have any connection or input in this.

"A lot of people think that Daniel. That doesn't mean anything until we have proof."

He shakes his head. "No you don't understand," he pulls out his phone. He shows me a text convo between Isaiah and him.

I read it and I looked at him. "You guys brought Bria here to break Aubrey and I up?"

He looks like he's about to pass out. "Yes and no."

I wasn't angry yet....just confused. "Explain."

"After you and Aubrey got together I was obviously hurt. Isaiah suggested that Aubrey didn't change and he was still a player. So he wanted Bria to prove that by getting in between your relationship. When we first talked to Bria she never mentioned anything about being pregnant ever. So that's how I know she's lying," he tells me.


"After we told her to stop, she said she didn't want to because she actually wants Aubrey for herself and won't stop at anything Kamaria," he sighs. "I'm sorry and I take responsibility for what I did. You can hate me all you want but I had to tell you. I hate seeing you upset like this."

I was very much relieved and riled up at this information. "So Bria isn't pregnant at all?"

Daniel pulls out his phone and shows me a text convo between Darius and him.

Daniel: are you and Bria okay?
Darius: yeah man thank the lord though. I can't go out having sex. That'll send me to hell immediately
Daniel: what are you talking about bro?
Darius: Bria and I been fucking man
Daniel: oh word? That's what's up. Stay safe though
Darius: I ain't have to. She said she's on birth control so it's all good

I look at him and I look at his phone. "Does this mean—," he nods before I could even say anything.

"Yeah Bria is probably pregnant with Darius' baby and pawning it off and Aubrey's."

"Holy shit," my brain was overwhelmed by the load of information I had just received. "I promise this was not me though I swear—," I cut Daniel off.

"Look I'm not mad at you. I know it takes a lot to tell someone this so thank you for telling me," I smile. "But you technically do owe me," I smirk.

"Oh God," he laughs. "What do you want?"

"I need you to help me. We are gonna play Bria at her own game."

"I'm down," he shrugs. "Is that all?"

"Oh and I want dessert," I smile.

"You're something else," he laughs.

I finally had what I needed. A big bowl of ice cream...oh and I knew what Bria's trick ass was up to.

Now I just needed to find a way to save Aubrey and expose her.

"I don't like the smirk on your face," Daniel laughs.

Oh just you wait.

What does Kamaria have planned? Keep reading and find out 😌
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