Chapter Twenty Four

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"I like you," those words echoed through my body. I wasn't sure I was here on earth anymore. There was no way.

"You like me?"

He chuckled at my surprised expression. "Yeah... I have ever since I laid eyes on you Kamaria."

A lot was running through my mind at that moment. I wasn't sure what to say.

I think I liked him too. I was just in denial cause he was my boss? Oh shit, he's my boss. Do I have to quit my job if I start to d—

"Kamaria?" I zone back into reality.

"Huh?" I look at him and he gives me a warm smile. "I don't want you to feel forced to give me any answer or anything."

"No I just zoned out," I blush. "I think I like you too."

"You think," he gives me a confused laugh.

"No I mean like I do I just," I trail off. "Ion know."

"You seem unsure."

"I'm not unsure. I just...You're my boss."

He looks at me and nods. "So?"

"Isn't that like against work policy?"

"Never stopped me before," he smirks.

I look at him and gasp. "Hey I'm kidding."


"Well I kinda own my own Company Kamaria," he laughs. "Us dating isn't going to force you to quit or force me to fire you."

I guess he was right. "I guess you have a point."

I just look at him for a little and then he looks back at me. "So what does this mean?"

"What do you want it to mean?"

I hated how he was doing this. "Are we like together?"

"Well," he gets up and goes to his room.

So no?

He comes back a couple seconds later with flowers and a necklace.

"Well would you wanna be my girlfriend?"

I look at him and smile. "Have you been planning this?"

He gets a little red. "Maybe."

"I would love to be your girlfriend," I cheese.


"I would love to be your girlfriend," She smiles.

I sigh in relief.

She comes over and hugs me. It felt weird to actually be dating her. Like I didn't have to hold anything back?

She releases from the hug and I look at her beautiful face. "Is it okay if I kiss you?"

She smiles nods and I grab her face and bring her lips to mine. I never thought the day would come, but I was here kissing her.

I felt my hands move to her waist and the kiss growing longer, more passionate.

I guess she actually did like me? I was lowkey afraid she was just saying that cause I'm her boss. But this kiss has me thinking otherwise.

I feel her body heat on me and I felt my hands sliding to her hips and her hands around my neck.

"Mmm," she moaned into the kiss and then pulled away.

"Damn why you stop."

"Cause I need to breathe," she grins. This girl was something else.

"Well I think I need to take you on a date," I tell her.

"Well it's Christmas so let's enjoy Christmas right now instead."

"Yeah yeah speaking of," A thought comes to my mind. "I need to open your gift."

I go to my room and I get it. "What's in here?"

She doesn't say anything and just smiles at me.

I open it and find a picture frame. I turn it around and see a picture of her and I in Dubai laughing our asses off.

"When was this taken?"

"I don't know. Some guy at that party took it and showed it to me so I wanted you to have it," she smiles.

"I don't have any actual pictures of anyone in my house so," I take it to my room and put it on my dresser.

"I think it looks good here," she tells me.

"I think you'd look good in my arms," I smirk. She rolls her eyes and I snake my hands around her.

I hadn't ever really dated a girl before. And if I did, it was always a lust driven one.

Kamaria was actually my girlfriend? And I was actually happy. And I was gonna make sure I took it slow. Regardless how horny I always am.

She was gonna make this difficult.

"Wanna watch tv?"

"Yeah we are watching The Good Place whether you like it or not," she drags me to the living room.

I think I'm in love with this girl.

Thank You guys for reading (:
They're finally together, what do we think?
What's Daniel gonna think is a better question.
And Happy Valentine's Day ❤️ any plans for today?
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