Epilogue: Kamaria and Aubrey

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I lock up my office only to run into my husband. "It's okay I can go get her," Aubrey looks at me with panic.

"Babe relax. She's a kid and kids throw up at school. I'll go get her and you stay for your meeting, yeah?"

He shook his head. "No no no she's probably scared and her stomach hurts. Does she need like pepto bismol or something?"

"Sir I can take over for your meeting if you're really that worried," Amar says to Aubrey.

"Please let them know it was an emergency," he pats Amar's back. "Yes sir," he walks away with his clip board.

Amar was a recent hire who was always on his toes. I liked him a lot and he was very helpful. Amara loved him so much because of how similar their names were too. It was so adorable when I brought her to the office.

I followed Aubrey downstairs to the car. His knee was shaking back and forth and he was very nervous. "Do you want me to drive?"

"No it's okay I'll be fine," he says. He backs out the parking lot very fast and hits the highway. I could tell he was very nervous.

After we got married, we tried for a child. But I just couldn't get pregnant for some reason. It was really frustrating for me. But three years ago it just happened randomly.

I didn't know for I was pregnant for three months. I had kinda given up on the idea of having children. Aubrey and I had gotten used to not having kids. So when I found out I was pregnant I was shocked. It was unexpected.

We named her Amara. Amara Elianny-Kitoko Graham.

As you can see, my parents had a heavy hand in deciding her name. But I loved it. She was so beautiful and such a sweet girl.

Which is why Aubrey was so nervous about her being in preschool. She was doing well for the first month and a half. She just got sick today and threw up. I know that these things happen but Aubrey was so worried.

It was so cute to see him like this. I know we didn't see kids in our future so...he wants to be the best dad possible.

We pulled up to the school and Aubrey barely got the car in park before he hopped out the car.

I followed him to the front desk. "Hi sir how may I help you Mr. Graham?"

"Where's Amara they said she was sick and I—," I pat his back so he can calm down. "We were called and told she threw up?"

"Yes she's in the nurses office. We gave her some crackers and water to see if she'd feel any better. Back here," the nurse points in the left direction.

We follow the arrow pointing to the nurse's office and hear someone singing.

"We don't talk about brunoooo," I hear a laugh. She was obsessed with Encanto right now.

"Hey babygirl," Aubrey runs and hugs her. "Hey daddy don't do that. I might throw up on you," she says.

"You're right I'm sorry," he laughs. She stands up from her chai, delighted to see the both of us there to get her. "Great you brought mommy too. Now we have to go for ice cream," she laughs.

"Who established that rule," I look at her.

"Daddy did. He said we can get ice cream whenever all of us are together," she smiles deviously. This was the fourth time this week she'd come up with some ploy to get ice cream for herself.

"I knew it," I shake my head. "How about we get ice cream when you feel better," I ask her.

"But I feel better now see mommy," she starts doing jumping jacks. "Okay Amara let's take it easy now," the nurse says.

I sign her early release form and we bring her into the car. "See I told you nothing to worry about," I squeeze Aubrey's hand.

He puts her in the car seat and ten minutes into the car ride she falls asleep. "Hey," I look over at Aubrey.

"Yeah—," he kisses me. "I love you...and I love everything we've created."

"Me too," I smile. "I kinda want ice cream now," my stomach rumbles.

"Yeah she gets it from you," Aubrey laughs and we make a detour to our favorite ice cream parlor.

With my family.

Thank you for reading 🤎
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I appreciate all of you who stood by me throughout this entire book. Let me know your thoughts please and I think i might start another book but I wanna know what y'all might wanna see🤍

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