Chapter Twenty Eight

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After work, I went home. I was tired and I just wanted to sleep in all honesty.

I was about to get in the shower when I got a text.

Hey Kamaria. Sorry I didn't respond. I've been sick. Yeah we can talk...wanna come over?

Come over? This was probably a bad idea. But Daniel is a nice guy. I knew he wouldn't do anything.

If he wants to talk as a friend there's no harm.

I text back and he sends me his address.

I take a quick shower and throw on some sweats and head over there.

On the way, I was wondering what the talk would be about. He never explicitly said he had any feelings for me but...I wouldn't be surprised if he might feel a little something something.

I finally arrive to his place. It's a really nice home and I park on the street. I walk up to the door.

Number twenty eight.

I ring the door bell and no answer. After a couple of seconds, I wonder if it's the wrong house.

I was about to walk away when the door swings open.

"Sorry I didn't hear you, I was busy," I look over to see a shirtless Daniel. He had sweat glistening down his abdomen and seemed to be breathing heavy.

"Oh sorry to interrupt your activities," I smile.

"No come in," He lets me in and I follow him. We go to his living room and I sit on the couch.

"You want anything to drink?"

"No I'm okay."

He nods and sits across from me.

"What's up? Is everything okay?"

He sighs and looks at me. "I called out because I was sick but I wasn't really sick."

"Oh? Is that an issue?"

"No that's not the point. I called out because I don't know if I can see you at work."

I was confused. Had I did something wrong?

"Daniel...did I do something?"

He shakes his head. "You didn't do anything wrong Kamaria. I just—," he stops.

Now I was concerned.

"I really like you Kamaria," he gets out.

Oh no.

"And I know you and Mr. Graham are a thing or whatever but," he stands up. "I just don't get what went wrong with us."

I felt really shitty now. "Daniel I didn't realize you liked me that much. I just figured this was a try to fuck the new girl at work type thing."

He looks hurt. "Damn...Alright I guess."

"No I'm not saying that—," he cuts me off.

"No I get it," he shrugs.

"We can still be friends though. I didn't mean to make you feel like this," I felt bad.

He gets closer to me. "I know. Maybe you can make me feel different then?"

I was confused as to where he was going with this. "What?"

He grabs my face and pulls me in to try and kiss me but I put his hands down.

"Daniel I can't do that. I'm sorry."

He sighs. "You're right I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

He backs away and gives me a small smile. "I guess you wanna leave now?"

"Yeah I'm kinda tired actually," I frown. He lets out a smile.

"Alright I'll send you on your way then."

I leave his house and then enter my car. What the fuck just happened?

Now I was conflicted. It would only be right to tell Aubrey....but he might fire Daniel and I don't want him to loose his job too.

"Fuck," I slam my head on my car and accidentally hit the steering wheel.

I make it home safe surprisingly, only wanting to go to bed. I should at least try to do some homework.

I go inside, and march to my room. I was ready to sleep but then I get a call.


"Hey babe."

"Oh h-hi."

He chuckles. "Why you sound like that?"

"Nothing just tired," I fake yawn.

"Alright I'll leave you to it. Goodnight."


"I love you."


"You love me?"

"Yeah I do. You don't need to say it back I just think you should know."

Before I could say anything, he hangs up.

I put the phone down and run my hands through my hair.

Fuck this just got so fucking complicated.

What would you do if you were Kamaria?
Is Daniel a better choice?
And Aubrey loves Kamaria...damn
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