Chapter Three

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I woke up again to another day. I looked at the clock.

It was 6:30 am.

"Damn it's early," I mumble to myself.

I got up out of my bed and decided to make myself something to eat.

I wasn't sure why I was up so early. This is how early I had to be up for my old job.

I was hesitant to call Mr. Graham and ask because maybe he wasn't a morning person. But my anxiety started to increase thinking about it.

What if I was supposed to already be there? What if I can get there at noon?

I suck it up and call him.

It rings for a couple seconds and then goes to voicemail.

He must be sleeping like normal people...or maybe he's busy?

Embarrassed, I hang up. But before I can put my phone down, it vibrates.

"Ms. Valoy is everything alright?" A raspy Mr. Graham says on the other end of the line.

He sounds like he just woke up and I would be lying if I said it wasn't quite pleasing.

"Oh Mr. Graham erm...I'm sorry to disturb you. I just didn't know when you wanted me to come in," I feel myself get hot.

He gives a small chuckle.

"You can come in anytime you want, don't worry. But maybe five pm would be more ideal cause I'll be done with all meetings, yeah?"

I nod like he can see my dumbass. "Oh yeah, yes that would be great," I smile.

"Is there a um— reason why you're up so early?" He asks quite amused.

"I don't know, couldn't sleep I guess?" I nervously laughed.

"You have nothing to be nervous about Ms. Valoy, okay?" He reassured me.

"Yeah you're right. Again thank you and sorry for bothering you," I mumbled.

"Don't apologize. I'll see you later." We hang up on the phone.

Although Mr. Graham was very nice, he was also very intimidating.

Although he was nice to me, I could tell he didn't fuck around when it came to his company.

It's was still very early though, so I had to try and figure out what to do.

Before I can do that, my phone rings again.

"Hey Kamaria?" Kayla's voice rings.

"Hey Kayla...what's up," I was surprised she was even awake.

"Well I don't have to be at work until 9 so I was wondering if you wanted to grab some breakfast or something?"

"Sure that sounds good."

We decided to meet at a cafe near OVO. I was quite excited to actually have a friend. I never really talked to my other coworkers.

I got ready and met up with her at the cafe.

"Hey Kamaria," she approached me and hugged me.

"Oh hi," I wasn't used to her overtly friendly nature.

"Come let's sit," we find a nice table.

"Okay I have to ask you," she cheeses.


"Did you like model or something?" She asks.

I start laughed really hard until I realize she's being serious.

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