The Great Wolf

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Seeing how Jon did not truly care for me, I sent Hunter to go and talk to him. Although I was upset with him, Jon still is my brother, and I would not mind executing Bowen Marsh and his friends for him. The answer had been no, and Hunter seemed rather annoyed.

The Umber men had been at the Wall for a day, so we were preparing to ride to the castle called East-Watch-By-The-Sea. From there, we would get a ship to take us to Seagard, where we will meet up with the Greatjon and possibly stay for a few days. Then we will go to Rain House, which is the seat of the Wylde, from which we will ride to Storm's End.

We were going to sail straight into Cape Wrath and to Storm's End, but Hunter refused. His parents did that, and they died, so we were not willing to argue. Brandon was spending time with the Umber men, and doing what we all should have been; talking to and getting to know them.

The only reason we have not left yet is because the other shape-shifters want to come too. I am going to talk to them and see if I can convince them to stay. Hunter wanted to come, but I decided that it would be best if he went with Brandon, who is to keep an eye on the prince.

My hair was braided, and I was dressed. I had just fed Steel and Ice, while breaking my own fast, and I was sort of just standing outside the hall, trying to prepare myself. These people are my own, and I am one of theirs, but it still makes me nervous.

I pushed the doors to the hall open, and then walked in. Everyone was there, apart from Dahlia, and I saw that the two small children now carried daggers on them. They were only about eight, so they were much too small for swords, but at least they had protection.

"I must apologize for being late," I said, standing in front of the group of people.

"We wish to come with you," Tomas, one of the two twins insisted. "Before you call us children, you should know that we are twelve. When shape-shifters first kill, which is often at six of seven, our ageing slows down. Our first leader was said to be three hundred when he died."

"Why would you want to come with me?" I asked. "I am apart of a war, where you all may die. After what happened in the last war I was in, I do not want to risk the lives of other shape-shifters."

"That is why all of the mothers will stay back," Karan, the other twin explained. "We will too, as we are just children. You have a castle and lands, so we wish to stay there. My brother and I have taken over control, and we will stay in your castle. If any of our men wish to join you, they are welcome to do so."

I watched these two twins in awe. Karan and Tomas were actually being listened to, and they were so wise for their age. These two could rule together, if they chose to. It was incredible, and I wish that I had been like them when I was younger, and not just a warrior.

"Very well," I agreed. "If any of you wish to come on a ship with me to Storm's End, then you may do so. I suggest you do not tell anyone that you are wildlings, just in case. Once we go to Storm's End, we will be going around Westeros, trying to make allies. If you come with me, you will swear yourselves to me and me only. That means that if I ask for you to fight with me, or protect me, you will do so and will not swear your swords to Stannis or anyone else."

Everyone spoke amongst themselves and I saw Karan and Tomas exchange a look. They had a silent conversation by exchanging looks, just like Robb and I used to do. I could not figure out what they were thinking, of course, but I smiled sadly anyway.

Suddenly, Karan and Tomas both dropped to one knee. Everyone else did the same, and as I went to do so, both of the twins shook their heads. I stayed standing and looked at the group of twenty-six, who were all kneeling in front of me.

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