Burn It Down

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The time had come too soon. As this was a relatively small operation, only about two hundred men had come with me, a perfect one hundred from the Northern camp and the Golden Company's. We sailed around to where the Greatjon joined me on my way to Storm's End. Now we were not even an hour away from the Twins Crossing.

Only I truly know what will happen. The Greatjon, Robett Glover, Brandon, Wynafryd Manderly, Hugo Hull, Roose Ryswell, and Ondrew Locke were all here with me. The rest of the lords are looking after Winterfell. My men will head straight back to the Neck, and I will take Theon and Asha with me to Pyke, and falsely offer them as prisoners.

When we take the Twins, I will have all the Freys captured, including Walder Frey. The children will be kept safe, as I cannot kill a child, but the rest will die by sword or noose. I will make every single one of them watch as I burn down that fucking bridge and salt the field in their castle, so they can never use it if they somehow rebuild.

If anyone else knew this, we would be stopped by now. Varys is here with us, trying to prove his loyalty to Aegon and to convince him not to marry me. Yesterday, on the ship, I lost a dagger to the sea after throwing it at Varys and skimming his ear. The next one will go in his eye, and he knows it.

As I walked up to the war tent, Steel and Ice trailed behind me. They would stay back here and wait for the gates to be opened before killing Frey men. After that, when I go to Pyke, they will protect Brandon and Hunter.

I walked in, and everyone turned to look at me. I was the last to show up, so I took my spot at the head of the table. Aegon was on my right, as he is the king. He would normally be at the front, but he is not to lead this. Brandon and Hunter sat on my left, both of them sharing a stool.

"Lady Stark, how kind of you to join us," Franklyn Flowers quipped.

"Mind your tongue or I will give you to the Fossoways before you can slay them all, then tell them all of your intentions," I warned, coldly. "I was doing your job, which is to survey the castle. Before the sun will set, the guards change. That is the best time to strike. We will have light, and then the torches will be lit for us and we will have the cover of darkness."

That shut everyone up as I poured myself some wine and took a sip. Aegon seemed worried, as I have had at least three cups today, but he does not know that I cannot get drunk. Well, Luca showed me how and I can, but I do not have to. It just calms my nerves.

"My suggestion is that you stop drinking," Tristan Rivers said.

"Valyria cannot get drunk unless she chooses," Hunter explained, before I could.

"That means we strike soon," Robett Glover realized. "What is the plan?"

Everyone looked at me and I just smiled, taking another sip of wine. The plan was simple enough, but I was waiting to have their full attention before saying anything. When the entire tent was silent, including Harry Strickland and an annoyed-looking Tyrion, I would start.

"Twenty of our men will scale the walls with Hunter, Brandon, and I," I told them, honestly. "We are the lightest, and I do not want Aegon put in the line of sight of Walder Frey straight away. He is a wicked old man, and I do not want to risk it. Your Grace may fight, if he so pleases, but he will not come with me to meet with most of the Freys. Be ready near the gate when we open it."

"You three have been working together so long that you do not know how to work with anyone else," Harry Strickland dared to say. "Why not take someone else with you?"

"Would you go yourself?" Brandon asked, coldly. There was no answer. "That is what I thought. I have pledged my sword to Valyria, and it was an oath I will never break. Hunter, Valyria and I have become friends to beat loneliness. I doubt that is something you would understand because you've always had someone."

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