Fight For the Iron Throne

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There had been a slight change in my plans, and surprisingly, Willas had agreed to it. He managed to convince the lords of the Crownlands that if they are not going to fight for me, then they will be destroyed if they fight against me. That's incredibly true, whether I take their castles from them or not.

Now I was preparing my lords to go and lead the army. While Hunter - who had rejoined us - and Brandon came with me through the secret tunnels, Aegon would take full control of the army. However, the lords need to have some control and know the plan too.

I know for a fact that Margaery is in the top room of Maegor's Holdfast, so I have already told the men that no one is to go up that far. Even if they do, Loras Tyrell is there, protecting his sister and the other women, apart from Cersei. She and Tommen would be in the throne room.

My armour felt surprisingly light, and I was more then ready to take the Iron Throne for myself. Ser Ilyn Payne, Cersei Lannister, Tommen, and anyone else who stands in my way or has had something to do with the death of my family will fall. They will all die by my sword, and I know it.

Steel and Ice were clearly ready to kill some people. They ate this morning, but it is night now and they must be hungry. They will come with me, through the tunnels. That way, if I am injured for a minute, I will not be completely undefended.

There are three gates that we will raise. One will let the Dornish and Ironborn in. The one across from that will let the Tyrell's and sellswords, including the Golden Company, in. As for the one in the middle, that will let the main army in, and it will ensure that no ground is left uncovered.

"No one will harm a child," I told the men, darkly. "If you do, I will see to it that you no longer have a head. You will go where directed, and lead your men to the best of your ability. This is a once in a lifetime kind of battle, and when we win, everyone's names will be remembered."

"That's your speech?" Someone sneered.

"Well, it is better then telling you all not to fuck up or I will kill you," I stated, unamused. "I am your queen, and if you do not treat me with more respect then you will see the side of me that is more then happy to cut off your head."

Before there could be any replies, I dismissed everyone. Brynden, Stannis, Jon Connington, Hunter, Ser Davos, Brandon, and Jaime Lannister all remained. They too were told to go, but I do not think they got it. I just wanted a moment alone with Aegon.

"Your Grace, we have left ourselves open to an attack from behind our army," Stannis said, quietly.

"An army with more men then the Tyrell's if they choose to turn on us, and more then the lords of the Crownlands and Stormlands combined," I pointed out. "Go prepare yourself, Stannis. We march as soon as the sun goes down."

Stannis and Ser Davos left, then Jaime walked out too. He had intended to point out the same thing, but now he saw no point. We have sheer strength and numbers. No one army has had this many men, and I checked that to be sure.

This left me with Jon Connington, Brandon, Hunter, and Uncle Brynden. I knew that Jon and Brynden were here because they worried, so I gestured for Hunter and Brandon to wait outside. My uncle and Aegon's adopted father need to speak, so I will let them.

"Are you sure about striking tonight?" Jon Connington asked. "Surely there is a more honourable way, and one that is a lot safer. Aegon, I trust that you will be fine, but can you really trust Hunter, Valyria? We all see that he is in love with you, but he did think Tommen was his nephew."

"Brandon and Hunter are my best friends," I stated, surely. "They would never betray me. I trust that you will stick with Aegon, Jon. Do you know if the archers are ready? After all, there is only one line of men protecting them."

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