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Today it was my turn to teach Rickon how to use a sword. Brandon had taught him the basics, and even Hunter had helped by pretending to fight with Rickon and letting him win. We all agreed that I had to do something, and they insisted that I am possible the best swordsman in Westeros, despite clearly being a woman.

I was wearing my armour, as I have ever since I arrived back home, but I hid it as I did not want to scare Rickon. He will not take my leave well, but he will have to accept it. I have taught him the few things he needed that Haldon Halfmaester did not know, and he could rule with help of a few lords who will stay.

Much to my surprise, Barbrey Dustin and Rickard Ryswell were sending as many men as they could to help my cause. When Robb and I had gone to war, they had sent just over one hundred each, and now we have many more men. That helps with our numbers.

The rest of the lords were sending as many men as they could, like last time, and those who could not go themselves would send a son or daughter in their place. Alysanne Mormont will join us, and she is a fierce fighter. Wyman Manderly is the only other person sending one of their children in their place.

It was much colder in the courtyard, but the storms seemed to be holding off ever since Aegon came to Winterfell. The older lords who have suffered a winter before think that this means the next storm will be more intense, and I cannot help but agree with them. Nothing good can come from a summer that lasts almost sixteen years.

Rickon came running over, and Shaggydog was playfully chasing him. Ever since I had changed the emotions of the direwolf that day, he's been a lot kinder. He attacked one of the men, but that was on Rickon's order because the man was drunk and Rickon decided that having his direwolf rip him apart was a good idea. Thankfully, Luca stepped in and stopped the wolf.

"Are you ready to learn how to fight with a sword?" I asked Rickon, handing him one of the two wooden swords I had with me.

"Brandon let me use a dull blade!" Rickon whined. "I want to use a dull blade, not a wooden one!"

"Now Rickon, if you speak to me like that, I will see to it that you only use a dull blade when you are at twelve," I warned. "I am your older sibling, and so I am in charge of you. Any lessons with me are ones on courtesy and courtly intrigue, as well as how to use a sword. Being a capable warrior means nothing if you cannot win people over because you whine about everything."

The little shit threw his sword at me, and set Shaggydog on me. Steel and Ice were not with me, so all I could do was dive out of the way of Shaggydog, after catching the sword. Before getting back up, I let my eyes met the direwolf's, and he backed off, recognizing me as his alpha.

That made Rickon scream and start throwing snow at me, but it did not hurt much. All I did was throw the sword at his feet and raise my own. Without warning, I gently tapped his arm. Rickon screamed at me, picked up the sword, and began to try to hack at me with it.

He was like a butcher hacking meat, so it was easy for me to stand still and block the swings with only one hand on the sword. After about twenty swings, Rickon gave up, threw the sword down, and started to cry. I suppose he has not been raised the way he should have been, but I was still angry.

"This is what happens when you pick a fight with me," I told him, crossing my arms and looking down at him. "My lords have been teaching you the names of lords and nobles in Westeros, and how they got their titles. Tell me, why am I known as the Mother of Wolves and Sword of Winter?"

"Because you have two direwolves and can turn into one," Rickon answered, sniffling. "You are known as the Sword of Winter because you are considered one of the best warriors in the known world, and you are a Stark."

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