Ours Is The Fury

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Sam came running into Hunter's chambers. He was panting, and his face was red and filled with worry. I let go of Hunter's hand and got to my feet, wanting to know why he was here. The amount of panic that radiated off of him worried me immensely.

"Jon went to go face the wildlings!" Sam rushed. "You have to go and get him!"

I turned back to Hunter, kissed him on the forehead and then ran out of his chambers. I knew how to get to Jon, but there was two ways that I could do it. Seeing how it would be easier to go through the tunnel and open the gate, that was what I did.

As I ran down the tunnel, I ignored the dead men and the one dead giant. If I come back, I will see to it that they are identified and burned. However, my main focus was getting to the end of the tunnel and then getting out of this place.

Before I got to the end of the gate, I saw it gaping open and a tiny figure up ahead. Somehow, the bars were bent out, but I did not have time to worry about that. I have to catch up to Jon before he gets killed by the Wildlings.

Without a second thought or any hesitation, I shifted into a direwolf and ran after Jon. Even as a wolf, I was able to think my own thoughts. My instincts were different and I was closer to the ground, but they were the only important differences.

After what was at least half an hour of running, I shifted back and kept going. Jon was only a few metres ahead, but because of the wind he was unable to hear me running towards him. He was doing fine, as the wind was pushing us forward and to the side that the Wildling camp is on.

"Jon!" I called, grabbing his arm to stop him. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?!"

"I'm going to stop the Wildlings," He stated. "Go back to the Wall. Pretend you were never here. I will be fine."

I punched Jon in the face as a wave of fury rolled through me. He was lying to me! He was not going to be fine! Jon was going to sacrifice himself by walking into the Wildling camp and either making a deal or assassinating Mance Rayder! Both acts mean death!

"I deserved that," Jon said, knowing that I had figured it all out. "Please, Valyria. Let me do this. If I do, I can save everyone."

"Fine, but I will be joining you," I agreed. "If I cannot join you, then we will both go back to the Wall."

Jon looked hesitant, but just nodded and started walking again. We were getting close to the Wildling camp, I did not know his plan, Hunter is still battling his own mind, and we will probably die some time soon. This was shaping out to be a great day.

I could see the smoke from the Wildlings' fires and I could hear them moving around and talking. I was incredibly nervous. Sure, I took down a whole bunch of wildlings last night, I almost sacrificed myself to Tywin Lannister in my first ever battle, and I summoned an army of wolves. That's nothing comared to the fact that we were walking into a camp that has just under 100 000 people in it.

"You do have a plan, right?" I asked.

"We walk in and try not to get ourselves killed," Jon explained. "You might want to hide your weapons. They will be taken from you."

"Or maybe we turn around and avoid dying," I suggested.

"Too late."

As we approached the trees, a whole group of Wildlings came to stop us and take us to Mance Rayder. I instinctively rested my hand on my sword and one on my dagger. The Wildlings noticed this, but they grabbed my arms, forced them behind my back and made me walk anyway.

We were shoved into a tent, where a man with black hair, stubble and a hard face was talking to a woman with black hair that reached her shoulder blades while braided. I assumed the man was Mance Rayder and I noticed that he seemed annoyed. However, as soon as he saw us, they both went quiet.

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