The Truth Hurts

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I was sitting in what was once the Godswood of Storm's End. I asked one of the men why it was burned down, and he told me that Stannis gave it up to his fire god. I just hope that he does not even consider doing the same to Winterfell's. The Northerners would kill him and I would join them.

Today was the second day since Hunter had given me a choice between telling Aegon about what had happened between us or he would do it. I wanted to be the one to tell Aegon, but only after a few more moons. It is much too soon, but Hunter must have known that.

Brandon had insisted that I tell Aegon myself, and so did Luca and the Greatjon. The Greatjon was not pleased with my actions, but he did point out that maybe I wanted another man to love me the way that Theon did. He could be right.

The ashes of the Godswood still hold a few trees, but not many. Even if it were still here, it would not be as nice as Winterfell's. Wolf's Den has a nice Godswood too, but parts of it have grown in the old castle itself.

Steel and Ice were running around nearby, and allowing me to relax and think about what I am going to say. Of course, I cannot relax when I am so worried, but I can always try. Part of me considered trying to tell me that Hunter was joking, but I knew he would do it.

Hunter is a prince, and he has been since he can remember. Being raised with Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella and being the favourite undoubtedly meant he got whatever he wanted. Now he is acting like a spoiled brat and demanding that I stay with him because he fell in love with me.

Someone was walking towards me, but I did not turn to look at them. If they really felt the need to speak to me then they would sit next to me and do so. They will know better then to just speak and expect me to listen and respond.

It was Aegon who sat next to me, and he held a flower in his hand. When I really looked at it, I saw that it was a blue winter rose, which grew mainly in the North. They would grow here too, if the castle had a garden that was protected from rain.

"Jon told me that my father, Rhaegar, gave Lyanna Stark a crown of blue winter roses," Aegon told me, breaking the silence. "I thought that it would be smarter to just give you one, as I do not wish to take you away and then be slain by Hunter."

We both laughed, although mine was uneasy. I took the rose, which was the colour of frost. These grew everywhere in Winterfell, and they had always been my favourite type of flower. My father told me that Lyanna had loved them to, and that she and I would get along well, although I would be more cautious.

Father called it wolf blood that got his older brother killed, as he was hot-headed and angry. Apparently Lyanna could be the same, and it reminded me of Arya. She had wolf blood, and it was clear. Rickon would have it too. You would think that Robb does, but he was an idealist.

"You seem uneasy," Aegon said, as I studied the beautiful rose. "Is it about the fact that you let Hunter Baratheon and Theon Greyjoy into your bed?"

"How did you know?" I asked, worriedly.

"He told me," Aegon informed me. "It is fine with me, my lady. When I asked Brandon and the Greatjon about Theon, they told me that he was the first man you ever fell in love with, and had a certain charm about him, as well as quite a reputation in bed. As for Hunter, he chose the moments when you did not have your guard up, like in the Last Hearth and back at your castle, because you were sad."

I had never thought of it like that, but Aegon was right. Hunter chose times when I needed comfort and someone to love me. I was just surprised that he was so calm about all of this. I had expected him to break off the betrothal.

The winter rose had a nice scent to it, so I brought it to my face so I could smell it. I lowered the flower and saw that Aegon had a small smile on his face. I am sure it was the look I gave Theon, as it was the one he gave me when he was a boy.

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