Battle of Moat Cailin

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Somehow, the Lannisters made it up the neck in incredible time. Everyone was in their positions, and were waiting for Brynden to shoot a flaming arrow before they attack. The Lannisters were not in sight, and I was worried.

Aegon and Jon Connington were leading the attack from the behind the Lannister army, with my shape shifters and the wolves that they bent to their will. The Crannogmen are in position in the marshes, and are being led by Howland Reed. That surprised me, but it was a nice surprise.

The side attack is going to be led by Stannis, Brandon, and Jon. That way I have my best friend, my little brother, and a man who is known for winning battles leading the main force. Hopefully no one dares to betray us and tell the Lannisters, although only a few people know the whole plan.

Brynden is leading the archers up in Moat Cailin, and is working with Black Balaq. They get along well enough, and were able to pick out the most exact archers. We do not want the arrows hitting our own men if it is avoidable.

That leaves the Greatjon and I, and we are leading the force that will receive the attack. We are leading, as most of these men will follow their queen and a man they fear. You are right to fear the Greatjon, and if you get his respect then you should be safe, but should still look out for yourself.

Robett Glover, Hugo Hull, Alysanne Mormont, and the rest of the lords were apart of the main force, all of them under Brandon's command. They would be offended if they were under Jon's command, so he is the one who tells Brandon what to do. Stannis is there with experience and support.

Arya had wanted to fight, but I sent her to Winterfell. As soon as Sansa claims the Riverlands for us all, I will send her to Winterfell as well. She is guarded by the Greatjon's best men, and he trusted them, so I did too. Lysono Marr is there too, just in case he and Sansa need to escape.

My armour feels heavy today, as it is the first proper battle I have been in since the Red Wedding. I do not even think you can call the Red Wedding a battle. It was just a slaughtering of the Northern army, by some of their own kin, and men they thought they could trust. The whole event was wrong.

This was the same armour I wore to the Red Wedding, apart from the breastplate. It was sturdy steel, as it was crafted in the North. I would wear the armour made for me, but it is not completed entirely yet, and I need it to be.

We were waiting now, and I had given Brandon and Aegon speeches to yell. As I stand at the front of Moat Cailin, Brynden and his men can hear me, and so can my men. I have just returned from talking to the Crannogmen, who are now ready to fight.

My part of the army contains only Northmen, as it will be easier to convince them to fight with me. All of the other forces, apart from the Crannogmen, have people who are not from the North, so the speech that will be delivered to them is different. They are fighting for power and to be apart of one of the most successful battles ever, but the Northmen are fighting for their home.

Steel and Ice stand beside me as I got on my horse so all the men could hear me. The Greatjon was on his horse beside me, with his greatsword in hand. It was the biggest sword I have ever seen, and it is bigger than Ice was, before it was melted down by the Lannisters.

The Lannisters were coming into sight, and I just grinned. I got a knowing look from the Greatjon, and then I drew my sword. All of the men fell silent as I lifted it into the air. They were well-trained, and I had to give them credit for that.

"The Lannisters are going to march up the Neck, thinking that they can just take us down and take our homes!" I yelled, as loud as possible. "This is the North! We have survived every attack ever thrown our way, thanks to Moat Cailin! We will show these arrogant lions that they are just cubs compared to the wolves of the North! They will not take our homes and burn our fields! They will not kill our families and friends! They will not win!" I turned my horse around, raising my sword once more. "WITH ME! FOR THE NORTH!"

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