Growing Strong

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Steel and Ice were nervous as we rode out to the camps of the Stormlords and Tyrell's. Brandon, Tyrion and Hunter were very much the same. I was the only one who was not nervous, and I do not see how it can be a good thing.

We left Storm's End as soon as the sun was fully risen, and I was surprised to find that no one had been waiting by the gates to storm in and kill everyone. Then again, it is called Storm's End, and that cannot be for no reason.

The camp was nearby, so we walked. It would also be easier to walk, just in case they shot arrows at us because on horse, you would go down and may die with it. Tyrion waddled along with us, so we went a bit slower, although I also suspect that it is because Brandon and Hunter are nervous.

I could see Loras and Mace Tyrell on horseback, waiting for us. Within the next two minutes we will be standing in front of them, although they may not know who we all are, as we are all wearing cloaks. The rainy weather in Storm's End does not help with the fact that it is winter, but it is nowhere near as bad as the North is.

From the banners I could see, there was Houses Penrose, Errol, Estermont, Wylde, Bolling, Cafferen, Buckler, Fell, Gower, Hasty, Grandison, Herston, Horpe, Kellington, Mertyns, Morrigen, Trant, Musgood, Rogers, Staedmon, Swann, Swygert, Tarth, Tudbury, Wagstaff, and Wensington. I knew them all from the lessons with Maester Luwin, where he taught me to recognize houses by their sigils.

The houses from the Reach were Redwyne, Tarly, Varner, Vyrwel, Shermer, Peake, Rowen, Oakhart, Mullendore, Merryweather, Hightower, Meadows, Cuy, Crane, Fossoway, Caswell, Beesbury, Ashford and Ambrose. That meant that a lot of the banners were not put up yet, as the Reach has the largest amount of lords and men. It was another thing Maester Luwin taught me.

We finally were in front of the Tyrells, and I noticed that two other men were with them. They had to be Mace Tyrell's other sons, Garlan and Willas. Willas was said to breed the best hawks in the Reach and he is intelligent. Garlan is supposedly a talented fighter too, but I am yet to witness it.

Garlan bore a close resemblance, but was taller, more broadly built and had a beard. He was in a full suit of armour, with only a sword and a single dagger at his side. From what I know, he is married to Leonette Fossoway. He is named Garth the Gallant, but apparently his brother named him that.

I knew who Willas was because I had heard of him before. When he was young, his leg was crushed by his horse because Mace entered him in a tourney when he was too young. He had a nice face, but it was clear that he was more focused on being intelligent. He had brown, slightly curly hair, and kind brown eyes.

"Lady Stark, I did not expect you to rebel again and side with Stannis," Mace told me, coldly. "Give me one good reason that I should not have Loras take off your head."

"You agreed to see us peacefully unless one of us threaten you, and I would be a valuable hostage," I said, calmly. I turned to his two sons and bowed slightly, as it is much too difficult to curtsy in armour. "I am Lady Valyria Stark. This is Prince Hunter Baratheon, and Brandon Tallhart. Surely you all know who Tyrion Lannister is."

"I am Ser Garlan, my lady," he told me, nodding instead of bowing.

"And I am Willas," he introduced, taking my hand and kissing it. "As I am the heir to House Tyrell, it has been agreed that I will be in charge of what happens today. Please, be welcome in our camp. Loras will lead you to the tent where we are holding our meeting."

Loras grumbled, but said nothing. He glanced at Hunter with a sad, but lustful look, and then turned to Brandon and gave him the lustful one. Then he turned and led us through the camp, without saying a single word.

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