Ruins of a Home

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About then minutes ago, I had said my farewell to Hunter with a kiss and to Brandon with a hug. Both men were furious when I told them that I was going to Winterfell alone, and had pressed very good arguments, but I did not care. They got even angrier when I commanded Steel and Ice to stay with them and protect them.

I understood why Hunter and Brandon wanted to come with me, but I had to explain to them that I was trying to earn the trust of Roose Bolton and the other lords who may hate me. Taking my friends, both of whom have sworn to stand by me, and my direwolves, makes it seem like I am ready to kill.

It took me about an hour to convince them that I would be fine. Brandon then insisted that if anything goes wrong that I get out of there as soon as possible. I agreed, and then they finally left to go and join up with Stannis.

There were two other reasons for me wanting to come alone. One of them was because of the fact that I would be guaranteed to kill Roose and Ramsay Bolton, and the other was the fact that if I strike down the Freys from the inside then there does not have to be a war.

Judging from the amount of snow, there had probably just been a blizzard. As I walked through the gate on the west side of Winterfell, also known as the Hunter's Gate, I noted that although they had a guard, he seemed pre-occupied with the brazier. I managed to open it and get Century and I through.

I easily got to the stables without being noticed, and I left Century there. Then I went to the Godswood, where I assumed my little sister was to be married. Even if they were not there yet, I would like to pray to the Old Gods. I have not been able to do it in so long.

Seeing how I would have to cross the courtyard and go across half of Winterfell to get to the Godswood, I put the hood of my riding cloak up. These men were Northern guards and they would recognize me if they saw my hair. However, with my grey cloak on, they would just assume I am cold.

When I reached the gate to the Godswood, I saw that it was not guarded. When I walked in, I saw that they were not here. I decided to pray later, as this meant they were having the wedding feast right now. I hope to see Arya before the bedding.

I then had to walk all the way to the Great Hall. I noticed that parts of Winterfell had been re-built, as the brick was not as old. They were only very minor things, such as parts of the library. I was happy to see that the Burned Tower had not been touched.

As I approached the hall, two men spotted me and drew their swords. When I was close enough, I put my hand over the mouth of one guard and then smashed the head of the other against the wall. He was not dead, but he will have a terrible headache when he wakes up.

Then I smiled at the guard, pushed both the doors to the Great Hall open, and threw him in. Everyone in the hall turned to look at the guard, who was on his knees, and the mysterious visitor in a grey cloak. As soon as I threw my hood back, they all began to mutter.

When I stalked forward, Arya had her back to me. She turned around and I saw that she was not Arya, but one of Sansa's friends, Jeyne Poole. I knew that if I revealed her true identity that it would put the girl at risk, so I hid the surprise on my face and masked it with false confidence.

"What are you doing here?" Roose asked, remaining calm despite his worry and anger.

"Did you really think I would miss my sisters' wedding?" I replied, calmly. "Thank you for the invitation. I mean, Jaime Lannister did not have to be the one to tell me or anything like that. I did expect you to be keeping something from me, but not the wedding of my sister to your bastard son."

"I am legitimized!" Ramsay snapped, furiously. "I was never a bastard, you stupid whore!"

"Makes no difference to me," I told him, shrugging my shoulders. "You should see to it that you learn to control your anger. If I do not get my titles back, the North falls to you and being angry and reckless will be the end of us all."

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