Back in Hell

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As I was dragged into the Great Hall of the Red Keep, everyone turned to stare at me. I was covered in both dried and fresh blood and my armour had holes in it from where I got hit arrows. Thinking about everyone dying had really worn me out for the past two weeks that were spent travelling here and I had been able to focus on vengeance.

Their deaths would never stop hurting, but I could avenge them and make their deaths actually mean something. My brother, mother, sister-in-law and best friend had to die for a reason. I would not accept that they were casualties in war and nothing more. I could not accept it.

About twenty minutes ago, I had killed a few guards who had tried to take me into the Great Hall. Then I had made it outside and killed a few more men. Now I was actually in the Great Hall, covered in blood and looking ready to kill. In fact, I was ready to kill.

Sansa stood at the front of the room, but to the side a bit. She looked relieved to see that someone was still alive, but horrified by the blood that covered me and my appearance. I would be horrified too. I was a complete mess.

Joffrey was sitting on the Iron Throne and Cersei stood next to him. They both looked cruel and I knew that they wanted to kill me. I could see the cold, manic-like look in Joffrey's eyes that he had gotten on the day Robb had beat him at a sword fight and he had demanded a rematch.

The memory made me sad, but I channelled that emotion into keeping myself and Sansa alive. When I had gotten here, I promised that I would keep Sansa alive at all costs. It was my promise to myself and to our family.

Tywin Lannister walked in and went up to where his nephew was sitting. When he looked down at me, I could see interest and slight anger in his eyes. I was glad that he felt like that, as it would be easier to manipulate him and I had promised myself that I was going to get my vengeance.

"You must be Tywin Lannister," I said, boldly walking down the hall so I stood in front of the steps to the Iron Throne. "I do believe I wanted to kill you once, but then I decided just to anger you, so I rode away with my friend. You then sent your mad dog to kill us, but we got away."

"And now your friend is dead," he countered, coldly. "You are a traitor, Lady Stark. What do you have to say for yourself and your family?"

"I realize that going against the Iron Throne was not the brightest idea and I have known that since the war began," I told him, honestly. "I thought that we had a chance, but then I was blinded by love, so my ex-lover, Theon Greyjoy, took my castle from me. Then my brother made the decision to marry a woman who was not a Frey and threw away our alliance with them. We further doomed ourselves by allowing Robb to cut off the head of Lord Rickard Karstark."

"Is that it?" Joffrey asked, angrily. "You went against me! I will have your head and serve it to your sister at my wedding!"

"I am not finished, Your Grace," I insisted, calmly. "I love my brother and my father and my mother, even though they too were traitors. However, I love my sister Sansa and she is the only person I have left. If it would be allowed, I wish to swear allegiance to King Joffrey Baratheon. I wish to right the wrongs that have been made and I wish to keep my sister and I alive and well, as well as work to make Westeros the place it once was, during the peaceful reign of King Robert Baratheon."

Margaery Tyrell, who was standing with her brother, father and grandmother, smiled at me. A lady who I assumed was her grandmother seemed to be impressed and surprised. Loras nodded at me and his father did not seem to believe me.

"Well, Lady Stark, we need the realm's most powerful woman to be on our side," Tywin Lannister stated. "I will allow you to be free, but we will find a way to keep you under our control. Someone take her to her chambers, get her new armour and allow her to bathe. If we suspect you of treason, your head will come off."

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