A Pointless Alliance

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I woke up in a tent, with no idea where I was or how I got here. My eyes opened, after a few moments of battle, and light blinded my eyes. I groaned, but as Steel and Ice jumped on me, I laughed. There was other people in the tent, as I heard them move.

Pushing my direwolves off me, I sat up. I was feeling a bit unwell, but it should pass soon. When I did look to see who was here, I saw Jaime Lannister, Hunter, and Brandon all sitting on the ground. Hunter got to his feet and came over, but the other two were more reluctant.

Brandon and Jaime probably knew that I was still confused as to what was going on. The last thing that I remember was controlling the minds of those in Hollow Hill, then fleeing to the horses. I somehow got onto Century, with a bad pain in my head, but then I do not remember anything else.

No one spoke as I saw a jug of water and a horn to pour it into. After pouring myself some water, and then finishing it, my throat was no longer dry. I rubbed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair. I got rid of the knots and then re-did the braid.

Now I was ready to find out where I am and what is going on. I got up, off the bed, and then sat on the floor with Jaime and Brandon. I did not miss the look of hurt and rejection on Hunter's face, but I did not feel bad. Why should I feel bad for sitting with friends.

Jaime looked fine, as did Hunter, but Brandon looked as if he had gone a few days without sleep. How long was I out for? Was he awake for the entire time, waiting for me to wake up? Did he have a restless sleep? Is he sleeping well?

"Does someone want to explain everything to me?" I suggested, pushing my worries out of my mind.

"You are in the Lannister camp," Jaime told me. "I found Hunter and Brandon riding for Riverrun, which is still held by the Blackfish. We brought you in here and the maester treated you as well as he could. Then my aunt, Genna, found you and we require you to do a few things when you are up to it."

"Go back to the part where I am in the Lannister camp!" I yelled, furiously. "There are Freys here, and I thought it was clear that I am not over the betrayal that was the Red Wedding! Brandon, surely you did not agree to this."

"It was my idea," Hunter confessed, quietly. "I did not want you getting harmed and Jaime offered you safety. You two seemed to be friends, and I figured that the Lannisters have questions to ask you if they were to kill you, and that would give us enough time to get you free."

I did not know whether I wanted to kiss him for caring, or kill him for being such a fool. My thoughts were leaning towards murder, but the rational part of me told me not to do such a thing. Deciding that I was not feeling up to killing Hunter, I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Judging from the shocked and slightly scared look on Hunter's face, I had accidentally spoken my thoughts. He had only heard the kiss him or kill him part, but that was bad enough. I let my back hit the floor and I just sighed even louder.

"What are the things required of me?" I asked, attempting to force back my annoyance as I sat up.

"To keep the peace, we want you to come up with peace terms with Devan Lannister, who is the new Warden of the West," Jaime explained. "You also need to help me convince Brynden Tully to give up Riverrun."

What else could I do? If I left, I had no doubt that this Genna Lannister would tell the entire camp that I am near and they would catch me and kill me. However, if I agree to an alliance with House Lannister, I will betray Robb, Stannis, and they will know that I turned against the Iron Throne once more.

There is no right way to go about this. I need to stop listening to my honor and listen to what the part of me that is cunning has to say. I hate to admit it, but Robb's honor was part of the reason we lost the war and he died. He could have married Talisa to one of his bannermen, but he married her himself. That was his honor, not his cunning.

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