Confronting the New Warden

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Allister, Hunter and I had been riding for about a month now. Wherever we stopped, they would insist to give us a place to stay and food. When we offered payment, and they denied, but ended up taking it. It was either because we looked important or because everyone had heard of us.

One day, a raven arrived and it was for me. It had the Greyjoy seal and although I was tempted to read it, we had to keep riding. Steel and Ice were clearly anxious and I felt sorry for them. They knew that we were approaching the North. We had managed to avoid going to the Twins, but we had to get past the Ironborn to get into the North.

We managed it and almost died. Allister did not understand the need to move quickly so we would live. Thankfully, one of the crannogmen saw us and helped us out. He refused to tell us his name and would only accept our thanks.

Now we were on our way to The Dreafort. Not only did I have some things to sort out with Roose Bolton, but Yara Greyjoy was going to be there. The only Greyjoy daughter asked for my help in rescuing her brother, Theon, from the Boltons. I was more than happy to help her, even if I had no intention in being in another relationship with Theon.

I felt like I owed Theon something and I do not know why. I was not the one who stole his home, faked killing his two youngest brothers and then torched Winterfell to the ground. He had done all that, but he was still like family to me and I did not have much family left.

Sansa, who had disappeared on the day of Joffrey's death, still had not been found. Arya was missing and even though I wanted to think she was alive, she probably was not. Then there was Rickon and Bran, who had people to help them but their chances still were not that good. Many men would try and sell them and we all knew it.

As we rode up to the gates, you could feel the tension and fear. Roose Bolton would either welcome us or kill us on sight. Right now, it was difficult to tell what his reaction was going to be, seeing how he was not right in front of us.

Four guards stood by the gate. Two were in front of it and two were behind it. There were also six men on the top of the wall, but they were not my problem right now. My current problem was how to get into the castle without dying.

"Who goes there?" One guard asked.

"I'm Prince Hunter Baratheon and my companions are Lord Allister of House Ellwood and Lady Valyria of House Stark," Hunter introduced. "We are here to speak to and strike a deal with the current Warden of the North, as we would not want to be on his lands without permission and without safety."

We had agreed that Hunter should do the talking, as he's still a prince and has more power than all of us. Allister's strength was in his magic, mine was in my strength and politics, but Hunter's strength was in manipulation and brains. We were a perfect team, really.

"We will send a messenger to get Lord Bolton's word on this subject," another guard decided.

"Rubbish!" A man called out, walking over. "Let them in!"

He was in his late-twenties, with pale skin and a square jaw. He was muscular and around the average height for men. His hair was a dark black and his blue eyes shone with a hidden cruelty and cunning, which I assumed was low, as he was actually letting us in.

Whoever this man was, he was important. The guards opened the gate and let us ride in, stepping back when Steel and Ice got too close to them. Roose Bolton quickly walked over as soon as we rode in, so I assume that he and this man were in the middle of doing something.

Hunter, Allister and I sat on our horses with our hands resting on our swords. Steel and Ice saw this, so they crouched down and got ready to attack, if they thought it was necessary. Roose Bolton was not that surprised about the fact that I was here.

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