The Imp (Daenerys)

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Meereen is safe once again, and has been for a while. Once I returned with Drogon, his brothers sided with me and we burned our enemies. I felt bad about it at first, but then I was reminded of the words that House Targaryen associates themselves with: Fire and Blood.

We cannot leave until the Sons of the Harpy stop terrorizing Meereen, and until we have peace. I have noticeably less troops, and I cannot go to Westeros without a full army. Ser Barristan insists that this False Dragon, who dares call himself Aegon Targaryen the Sixth, has an army that could crush ours.

The False Dragon's queen is supposedly one of the best warriors in all of Westeros, but I doubt it. Men would not let her beat them. She is just a pretty face who thinks that because her father was one of the Usurper's Dogs, she can take the Iron Throne.

I looked up from my throne to see an Imp being brought in, as well as Jorah Mormont. When I looked at him, I was unsure of whether I was relieved or furious. I had banned him from returning, or I will kill him, but he was a trusted advisor for a very long time.

This Imp must be Tyrion Lannister. I was informed that he was in Meereen, so I had him brought to me. His father, Tywin Lannister, played a part in the downfall of House Targaryen's reign, and he was old enough to stop his father. He will answer my questions, and then I may let him live.

He waddled like a duck, and his head was much too large for his body. He had a scar across his face, and his eyes were an odd green. His blonde hair had a streak of black in it, and he was very dirty. The look on his face showed that he was confident, which was odd for a man so short.

"Khaleesi, this is Tyrion Lannister," Ser Barristan stated. "He was to be killed in Westeros for killing King Joffrey Baratheon, and he killed his own father when he escaped."

"I am at your service, Your Grace," he spoke, kneeling before me. "Ser Barristan may have spent most of his life in Westeros, but it has changed drastically since he has left. I want to serve the Queen, not my sister's bastard children who were born of incest."

Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella Baratheon were all the children of Cersei and Jaime Lannister. Most of the realm knows that, and the actions of Joffrey proved it. Maybe there would be no war if one of the Usurpers' brothers took the throne instead.

"Why should I trust the child of Tywin Lannister?" I asked, coldly. "Your father worked against my family and killed my family."

"Yes, but I am not my father," Tyrion insisted calmly, where other men would have asked me to forgive them for their father's mistakes. "What he did destroyed House Lannister in the long run. He destroyed our honor and our image. I wish to rebuild what was lost, including the trust between our houses."

He was a politician, and it is clear. Tyrion's mind is sharp to make up for what he lacks in height and in physical strength. He has to carry himself with pride, or he will be kicked down into the dirt. I understand that, as I saw it happen to Viserys, and it truly did break him.

I know better then to trust his words, especially when he is here with Jorah. Traitors often work together and it is towards the same goal. They will not fool me, and I do not think that I will let Jorah live. He has no information I need, and he has already betrayed me.

"Very well," I said. "Get up, Tyrion Lannister. Someone show him to an empty set of chambers."

Tyrion looked at Jorah and went to argue, but then he wisely kept quiet. He waddled after two of my Unsullied, and I almost laughed at the sight. They had to slow down for him, as he could not move fast enough. I hope he does not wish to participate in any fighting.

When Jorah kneeled before me, I considered getting up and kicking him in the face. However, that is not something a queen should do. A Khaleesi might, but I do not just rule over the Dothraki anymore, and everyone else would frown upon it. I am not the False Dragon's queen.

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