Before Battle

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We all knew that the Wildlings would arrive on the full moon, or it would be too dark for an actual battle. I had trained all of the men in how to use both a sword and a bow. Olly, the little boy who escaped the wildlings, is quite talented with a boy, but would stay in hiding. He is too young for war.

A few minutes ago, I had convinced Alliser Thorne to let me use my shape-shifting in the battle. All of the wildlings will expect arrows and fire, but they will not expect me. I can shift into whatever I want, as long as I have seen it, whether in a drawing or in real life.

Now I was going to tell Jon about my abilities. He will either take it well or he will panic. If he does not take it well, I will not be surprised. If he does, that will be nice and I will be more than a bit suspicious. It all depends on how I say it, I suppose.

Jon was in his chambers for sure, so I knocked on the door and waited. When the door opened, I found Sam there. He seemed upset over something, but I did not ask what. It was not my place to ask and if he wanted to tell me then he would.

"Come in," he said, stepping aside.

When I walked in, I heard a loud sigh. I found Jon sitting on the floor, staring into a fire. Slowly, I walked over and sat next to him. He was clearly stressed and it was probably over the fact that his wildling girl was going to die soon.

"Jon, I have something to tell you," I stated, seriously. "It's quite serious, so if now is not a good time, just tell me."

"What is it?" Jon asked, becoming worried.

"I do not know how to put this, actually," I admitted. "So, when I killed a man back at Winterfell, when the royal family visited, it changed something within me. Since then, every full moon I have had a surge of power that allows me to shift into whatever animal I want. It is easier to become a direwolf, but I can be whatever I want. I do not even need a full moon, but they make it easier and I draw my power from it."

"Are you joking?" Sam asked, laughing. "All of the shape-shifters are dead. That is if they even existed."

I sighed and put my head in my hands. Then I sat up straight again and looked at both Jon and Sam. I would make them realise.

"That is what we all said about White Walkers," I retorted. "Now we know the truth. I can even prove it to you."

I focused and made my hand turn into a wolf's paw. At first only my nails changed into claws, but then fur began to grow on my palm and it started to break and then heal to become a paw. Both of them were trying to look away, but could not do it.

When I stopped and let my arm go back to normal, it really hurt. It was been such a long time since that has been done that I should really practice. The pain would become less if I shifted a lot today.

"H-how?" Jon questioned. "How can you be a shape-shifter when the rest of us are not?"

"A curse placed upon my mother," I said. "It could have easily been Robb, but it was me instead."

Jon just nodded, unsure of what else to do or say. I got to my feet, excused myself, and left.


Hunter had found out about the plan because Brandon accidentally blurted it out. Now Allister, Hunter and Brandon were all in my chambers. Allister ranted about how it was a terrible, dangerous idea and Hunter paced back and forth, clearly worried about me.

I sighed and poured myself a cup of water. Brandon kept giving me apologetic looks and was trying to apologise. However, before Brandon could say sorry, Allister would get louder until we both shut up. It was an actual mess.

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