Shared Whispers (Valyria and Sansa)

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I hate Val. I actually hate her. Never before have I felt something this intense that is not mixed with grief or feelings of betrayal. Hopefully it is not clear to everyone that I do not know how to deal with this exact emotion, or they will call me out on it.

The insolent wildling decided that she was not going to leave, and now none of the men in the hall will listen to me when I have something to say. I tried to call a meeting yesterday, but she showed up in my solar, forcing me to call it off. One day I am going to snap and kill her.

Thankfully, Aegon does not like her either. He does not like the way she acts as if she is the queen, and I think he wants the attention on the two of us, and not her. As for Hunter and Brandon, they understand why I hate her, and agree with me.

Without really thinking it over, I called a meeting in my solar. Barbrey Dustin, Wyman Manderly, Stannis, Ser Davos, the Greatjon, and Robett Glover were all coming to represent the North and Stormlands. All of the other lords had declined my offer, as they were returning home to gather more troops.

Stannis has been teaching me how to be an even more effective queen, as this is my first winter. He is showing me how to beat the weather and use it to my advantage in this war. The Greatjon helped when he could, too.

Harry Strickland, Lysono Marr, Rolly Duckfield, Franklyn Flowers, and Tristan Rivers all arrived in one big group. Jon Connington and the Greatjon came next, with everyone else following them. Hunter, Brandon and Allister came last.

Before I could even open my mouth to greet everyone, Jon walked in. He was late and reeked of sex, meaning he had broken his vows once more. As the queen I will either have to execute him or excuse him, but I do not wish to do either.

"What are you doing here?" Aegon asked, coldly.

"I heard my sister was holding a meeting to do with the war," Jon stated. "I want to help."

"You can help by ending whatever is going on between you and the wildling princess," I told Jon. "I was about to greet everyone and ask if there is any news, but my half-brother entered. Please, do tell me of any news."

"The troops I asked for when I was a king have arrived," Stannis informed me. "Thirty thousand strong, but all are sellswords. Not trust-worthy at all, as we are just paying them, but they are still fighters and that is what we need."

"Aye, it is," Robett Glover agreed. "Have you thought about your small council yet, Your Grace?"

"We do not have the Iron Throne yet," Aegon pointed out. "Until then, we will have normal war councils. As soon as we take the throne, I will decide with Queen Valyria."

The fact that Aegon is so confident that he will take the Iron Throne unnerves me, as well as most of the other people in this room. Those in the Golden Company do not fear possible defeat, apart from Lysono Marr, who knows better. If we get our hopes up, they will surely be crushed.

Allister and I exchanged a nervous look. He was a lot healthier now, but was still on the mend. I noted that he was beginning to help train Rickon in his studies, replacing the maesters. Rickon even told me that Allister made it fun and he could list all of the houses in the North, Riverlands, Westerlands, and in the Reach.

"The whispers you sent out to let everyone know of your marriage and defeat of the Freys' under the noses of the Lannisters have been heard all over not only Westeros, but Braavos too," Hunter stated. "I did not intend for them to reach that far, but hopefully it will intimidate anyone who dares to go against us."

"Speaking of the Lannisters, they still have not decided to march on the North," Allister spoke up. "One of my informants are on the war council, and they say that Devan Lannister was ordered not to march by the Hand and the Kingslayer. We think they fear us and are unsure of what to do."

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