Peace Terms

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It has been a month and we have only had trouble from the goddamn Faith Militant. If Cersei were still alive, I would backhand her for making such a foolish decision. It was disbanded because of constant rebellion, and now they're allowed back until I find a way to overturn the decision.

All of the high lords and a few of their family members are in court. I have the main branch of House Tyrell here, as well as my uncles, my siblings including Jon, and the rest of the Wardens. I had to bring the Stormlords and Crownlords in, to make sure they were loyal to me, but they were the only exceptions.

Just as I had expected, Stannis was well again, but still weakened. Steel and Ice had made a full recovery too, which is good. I will not let them fight right now, but what they do when I am not with them remains unknown and will stay that way.

This month has been chaotic, and although I have good news to tell Aegon, I do not know if he will take it well. I am with child, and that means for a while he will have to bear the full stress of ruling. I do not want to do this to him, but I am going to bear him our child instead.

This morning, I broke my fast with both the Stormlords and the Crownlords. All of them have agreed to bend the knee to me, and I was surprised to find that Stannis gave up his title as Lord of the Stormlands. He gave that title to Hunter, as Shireen only wants to be Lady of Dragonstone.

Now Aegon and I are going to speak with the Martell's, who have requested a private meeting with us. Then we will have lunch with the Lannisters, and finally speak with the Tyrell's. After that, I will be able to have dinner with my family to relax.

Aegon was joking about how if I were not a Stark, we would be talking to so many people. It is true, though. He would have to talk to Bran, Uncle Edmure, Harrold Hardyng, Stannis, and Theon about bending the knee for good. That would take two or three days, and we were lucky to get a day.

We were in the gardens, headed towards the square closest to the Godswood. The Lannisters want to have lunch inside, so we will have to head back in. Then we are back in the gardens to speak to the Tyrells about staying on our side. It will be the most chaotic day of them all.

"Your Grace, Your Grace," someone greeted from behind me, almost making me jump.

I turned around to see Arianne Martell standing there. She was with a man with an open face and an easy-going smile. He was tan with deep blue eyes, and dimples when he smiled. His beard was close-cropped and his hair was a sandy blonde.

From what I know, Daemon's half brother Ryon died, and his mother did not have another heir. He was made an Allyrion, and he is the heir to Godsgrace. He was not meant to marry Arianne or even be here, but I do not mind. It is not as if it will offend me. One of my own brothers is a bastard.

"Arianne, it is a pleasure to see you again," I said, smiling lightly. "Do you mind showing me where the rest of your family are? I am afraid I am a bit lost. I still do not know there gardens well."

Arianne just laughed and walked ahead of Aegon and I. He took my hand and kissed it, then we followed the heiress of Sunspear. She seemed to be in a good mood, which should be helpful. If at least one of the Martell's agree to side with me, they will all take it into consideration.

We were led into one of the squares, where there was a large table already seating eleven people. Everyone watched as Aegon and I walked over. Arianne and Daemon took their seats, leaving Aegon and I standing. I smiled as brilliantly as I could, using my looks to my advantage.

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