Truth Revealed

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After leaving Harrold Hardyng in control of the Eyrie, under the guidance of the Lords Declarant, I took Sansa with me. No one protested when I insisted that the girl they believed to now be Alayne Baelish had to come with me. They have even sent troops with me.

Two weeks was how long it took me to get back to the Neck, and to get to Moat Cailin. Now I am about to enter the tent we have set up, to introduce Sansa to Aegon. Sansa was wearing a dark brown dress that matched her dyed hair, and looked quite pretty.

Steeling my nerves, I walked into the tent. Sansa followed close behind me, while Steel and Ice were with Brandon and Hunter. I found Aegon sitting with Lysono Marr, the Greatjon, and Jon Connington, as I walked in, and wondered why he was speaking with the spymaster when he is alone.

I smiled when I saw Aegon, and he strained to smile back. Both he and Lysono looked nervous, and it was clear that something had gone wrong or was going to. The Greatjon and Jon Connington just looked at the ground. Sansa hid behind me a little, and I wanted to ask what was wrong, but not in front of Sansa. Just in case.

No one else came in, so that means it is a small meeting that involves something of high importance, but it has to be kept secret. Sansa stood by my side, and held herself with the pride she had as a child. It made me happy, knowing that she was confident again, and not broken like she was when she was in King's Landing.

Aegon rose to his feet and walked over to me. He kissed my cheek, and then glanced at Sansa. He did not look at her for long, as his eyes returned to me. It was odd to have someone look at me the way he did, and so openly that everyone knew how he felt for me.

"My queen, it is good to see that you are safe," Lysono Marr said, bowing. "Who is your companion?"

"This is Alayne Baelish," I told him. "You may know her better as my sister, Sansa Stark."

"Lady Sansa, I did not recognize you," the Greatjon stated, suddenly. "You have all the beauty of your mother and more."

That is something that will one day be said to all Stark daughters. Arya will be found, and Bran will soon come back, and we will be a family again. We have to be a family again. It is the one hope that I still hold onto, and always will.

I am not a Stark any more, and everyone knows it, but I may as well be. House Stark is only Rickon and I, until everyone knows Sansa is safe and with us, and until Arya and Bran return. Then I will be able to turn my attention to House Targaryen.

"Now, is someone going to tell me what is wrong, or are we all going to act like everything is fine when it clearly is not?" I asked, looking directly at Aegon.

"Lady Sansa, we will have a tent set up for you this instant," the Greatjon decided. "I will have the men address you as Lady Baelish. You should come with me."

Sansa turned to me, and I just nodded. She had wanted me to assure her that she would be safe with the Greatjon, and I know she will be. I watched my sister leave, soon followed by a clearly reluctant Lysono Marr.

This left me with Jon Connington and Aegon, both of whom were hiding something and were clearly nervous about it. I could tell that they did not know what the other did, so hopefully it will not have to do with the same thing. That would be much too confusing.

Seeing how neither of them would speak first, I turned away and took a seat. Then I gestured for them to sit as well. Both did, and I looked to Aegon first. He seemed to be the most nervous, so I decided that he should tell me first.

"Valyria, your half-brother has been named a deserter of the Night's Watch," Aegon informed me. "Val, the wildling, is back at the Wall and told them this. Jon is in the camp, and he is begging us to spare his life. He claims that Val lied to the Night's Watch about his intentions."

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