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After Ramsay declaring that he wanted a trial by combat yesterday, Stannis and I had to sort everything out. Apparently Ramsay begged Stannis for a trial of seven, which is where two teams of seven battle until one team is left or the leader of one yields. Thankfully, this request was denied.

This battle will happen in the afternoon, so I am just sitting in my chambers. I had asked for Theon to be brought to my new chambers so we can speak. Stannis insisted on moving me into my old chambers, which Roose Bolton had taken, so that's where I was.

Of course, all of my things were still in the Burned Tower, which I will have repaired upon my return to Winterfell. I got Stannis to agree to legitimize Jon, assuming he is able to agree to it, and if I survive this trial by combat, I will ride to the Wall. Stannis insisted that he will not leave Winterfell for a while, so my castle will be safe.

Steel and Ice are curled up with their heads on my lap, and I had told them what was happening. If any other person were to know that, they would think I have gone mad, but my direwolves do understand. Their emotions are similar to mine, and that is enough understanding for me.

I know that I may die, but I also know that I am not ready to die yet. When I die, I am going to die after I have avenged my family. All of the Freys that betrayed Robb will be dead, and so will Cersei and her children. They will not be children by then, they will be grown.

When I am finished at the Wall, Stannis plans to send the Greatjon my way as he wants me to go and sort out something at Storm's End. Apparently a young man claiming to be Aegon Targaryen has taken Stannis and Hunter's home, so Stannis wants me to see if it's really him. Of course, I do not believe it is, but I did not say that.

There was a knock on my door, so I opened it. Two of Stannis' men brought Theon in, and he looked petrified. He just stood there, and slowly walked over to a seat, where he sat down. I knew I could not get rid of the guards, so I had them stand by the door.

"Why am I here, m'lady?" Theon asked, his voice shaking. "Master Ramsay will flay me for speaking to you."

"He is not your master and he will die today," I told him, sounding sure. "You are the only one who does know how he fights and would be willing to tell me, so that is why you are here. If I kill Ramsay, you will not need to live your life in fear. You are currently of use to Stannis, so you will not be killed after this. All you need to do is tell me how Ramsay fights."

"He fights like a butcher hacking meat, m'lady," Theon stated, visibly shaking. "Master Ramsay can use most weapons, but he prefers having a mace and dagger, so he can stab and bludgeon his opponents. I-I-If you must kill him, please be careful."

"Well, I sure as hell do not plan to be served at dinner if Ramsay wins, so of course I will be careful. You may go now."

Theon left with the guards, and I sighed. This trial by combat is becoming all too real, and part of me is beginning to regret insisting that I fight. However, if Ramsay does fight the way Theon said he does, it is best that I am the one fighting, as I can heal and have skill with a sword.

If I die, then all of this will be for nothing. Stannis will have to let Roose and Ramsay go, and House Stark may lose all of the members. It would be nice to be able to see Robb or Sansa or Arya before this, but Robb is dead and my sisters are missing.

Maybe not seeing anyone else before this will be best. Then I will have a clear mind during the start of the battle. Although saying what may be a goodbye to Brandon and Hunter is a good idea, I do not wish to get emotional.

There was another knock on the door to my chambers, so I rose from my seat to answer it. As soon as I opened the door, Prince Hunter Baratheon strode in. He looked sad and angry at the same time, which is never a good mix of emotions. It always leads to mistakes.

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