Star of the Sea (Valyria)

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This woman - who looked so much like how Shiera Seastar was said to - cradled Brynden's body as she sobbed. Her silver hair fell to the middle of her back, and she had one blue eye and one green one as well as pale skin. She was beautiful and it was clear that she was powerful and confident.

She was no immediate threat, so I turned and embraced Hunter. He wrapped his arms around me, but then pulled away a second later. I moved past him and went over to my siblings. Bran was the first one I hugged, but then Sansa, Arya and Rickon joined me. I pulled Jon into the hug and he smiled a little.

Jojen and Meera Reed were here, and they both looked a little shocked. Meera hugged Bran and I saw him blush, which made me smile. I moved over to them, but then I flew back and landed on my ass. I got to my feet and saw that the same had happened to Hunter, who looked surprised.

I turned to see this beautiful woman, who wore a necklace with green and blue gems on it. Not only did it become obvious that her eyes were filled with tears, but they had also darkened. She must be a witch because Brynden was a warlock.

Hunter muttered something along the lines of 'Star of the Sea' in High Valyrian, which he's fluent in. He knows I am fluent in it too, so he's trying to tell me something... Shiera Seastar! It means 'Star of the Sea' in High Valyrian! This woman must be her!

Shiera may be powerful, but I am the Great Wolf. I stood up and looked at her, but she would not let me make eye contact. She is wary of us, which is good for her and bad for me. Hunter is a warlock, Bran is a powerful warg, and I am the leader of the Shifters. I think she knows it too or maybe she is confused.

"My lady, who are you?" I asked, sounding as kind as I could in this situation.

A cold laugh escaped her plump red lips, but when she saw that I really did not know who she was, she began to panic. Hunter walked over to me, and finally sheathed his sword. He handed my own to me, and I watched Shiera calm down.

"You really do not know who I am," she stated, laughing. "Little girl, I am Shiera Seastar. I have arrived at Winterfell, have I not? Show me to Lord Stark immediately. Beron is expecting me."

I exchanged a look with Bran, but gestured for him to stay still. He is now Lord Stark, and I know that he is a man grown, but I can still protect me. If this were House Martell, I would be Lady Stark because I am next in line, after Robb.

"Shiera, Lord Beron is dead and has been for many, many years," Hunter told her, softly. "Lord Brandon Stark, son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully, is the Lord of Winterfell."

"I am his older sister, Queen Valyria," I added. "This is the year 302 AC. I wish to further explain things to you, but this is not the place. Would it be fine with you if I were to have someone take you to a set of empty chambers for you to stay in. I will meet you there when I can."

Shiera, who was clearly in shock, just nodded. I waved for a serving woman to come over, and so she took Shiera's arm and lef the poor woman to her chambers. You just cannot act out a shock like that, if you can truly act shocked at all.

Hunter looked at me, and I stepped closer to him. I let him and everyone else see how annoyed I was. I had intended to say I was the Lady of Winterfell, and to ask her if she knew what the year was. The fact that she had no clue what year we are in was proof she slowly needed to realize for herself.

"Hunter, if what you said to Shiera was not poorly thought out, then I would gladly kick your ass," I said, angrily. "However, we all make mistakes and I will not hold yours against you. Now, my siblings and the Reed children are probably all very confused. We need to go and comfort them."

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