Enemy Camp (Brandon)

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Valyria was going to hate us for this. We could have gone to the nearest castle, which was less than a day away, but instead we rode west. Knowing that Brynden Tully still held Riverrun, we rode there, but that was when we came across Jaime Lannister.

Seeing the condition of Valyria, he insisted he have one of his maesters treat her. Hunter agreed before I could protest, and I do not know whether or not that is a good thing. We had been riding for just under a day with little rest.

The two times we stopped was because the horses were tired and when Steel and Ice had to hunt. As soon as we thought we had rested enough, we kept going as fast as we could. If Valyria did not have a bond with her horse, I fear she would have been bucked off and killed.

The Kingslayer told us that because Valyria was going to have to stay in a Lannister camp to heal, she had to be hidden. He had taken it upon himself to put her in his tent, knowing that no one would enter without his permission. She still was not that safe, so I stayed with her.

Steel and Ice were trying to escape the tent, but I had to keep calling them back. If they were found, they would undoubtedly be killed and skinned. That is what happened to Lady Sansa's direwolf and the skin was given to Cersei for a coat, despite Lord Eddard's protests.

There was a maester treating Valyria right now, so I sat with her direwolves. Jaime was here, but I drew my sword on Hunter and the young prince stormed off. He had no right to bring Valyria into this camp! She could have gone somewhere else! Anywhere else!

"My lord, what did she do to get herself in this state?" The Maester asked me. "There are no wounds or traces of poison. I do not understand."

"She is a shape-shifter and has this ability to sway the minds of animals," I explained, nervously. "She has used it on someone before, but not for long. I think Valyria may have used too much power, as she used it on at least seven people. Her anger fueled her, but clearly not enough."

"There is nothing we can do, but keep her comfortable," The maester decided. "She will live, but I do not know when she will awaken. Hopefully it will be soon."

The maester packed up his things, and then left. Steel and Ice went to Valyria's side, but I stayed where I was. Jaime seemed worried, which made me suspicious. Why would he worry about Valyria unless he wanted something from her?

Jaime Lannister sat next to me and I drew my dagger. He did not notice, which was good. There was no need for him to know that I do not trust him. I am here because I have to be, not because I want to be, unlike a certain prince who will never sit the Iron Throne if I have anything to say about it.

Hunter and Valyria had sex, and I know that because Valyria told me. I think the prince wants her all to himself, and he might just get it. Even I can admit that my best friend has not made the best choices when it comes to men.

In the end, I know that Valyria will not marry for love. She knows her duties to the North and the Realm. I also know that she will not marry Loras Tyrell because she wants children and love. His love for Renly will give her neither.

Valyria, as the only Stark known to definitely still be alive, will have no choice but to marry a Lannister if she fails to take the Iron Throne. She may be able to convince someone to let her marry a Northman, but it is not certain. A marriage alliance with House Lannister will ensure that there will be no second Rebellion, and it may just benefit House Stark.

I want the best for the woman who has become my best friend. My feelings are no more than very good friendship for Valyria. I confused that for love for a short while, but now I know the truth. I am to marry for duty, not love.

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