Sister Trio

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Sansa joined me as we rode to the front of the camp. Aegon, the Greatjon, Jon Snow, and Brandon came with us. Rolly Duckfield came too, as he is apart of Aegon's Kingsguard, but that did not bother me. Admittedly, the only person coming with us that I was unsure of was Lord Connington.

Jaime Lannister, Hunter, and Allister had already left, so they were not here with us. It is not like I would bring Jaime to meet with my uncle again. Last time did not go as smoothly as I had wanted, so maybe I will feel less anger this time.

Getting so mad at my uncle when I last saw him was wrong, and I know it. I was still angry and bitter, but that is not a good enough excuse. Family is something that should be important to me, seeing how I do not have the one brother who meant the most to me with me anymore.

There was a smile on Sansa's face, but it was also clear that she was nervous. I was too. If this is Arya, she is a lot older now, and has been through a lot. She may not even be the rebellious, free-spirit that I remember. Arya may be quiet and scared.

It saddens me to think that the fearless sister I once knew may be broken and fears everything. I know that Sansa was once proud and the perfect daughter anyone could hope for, but then she was broken in King's Landing. Now she is quiet, but very sly.

I could sense Aegon's lust, which was dying down. He kept glancing over at me, but he was focusing on getting to the very front of the camp. We were almost there, thankfully. I do not feel like riding today, and certainly not for much longer.

Before me was Brynden Tully, and a girl who looked a lot like Arya. I got off my horse and approached them, with Sansa and Jon. Brynden forced a smile, and the girl ran forward, and basically pounced on Jon.

"Arya?" I asked, warily.

It was her, and I knew it the minute I wrapped my arms around the youngest of my little sisters. I sighed out a shaky breath, that let Arya know I was holding back tears of joy. She then went to Sansa, who was the one to weep tears of joy first.

We all hugged each other, and I felt Jon gasp. He was the most shocked and happy of us all, and it sort of made me jealous. If only Robb was missing, and not dead. Then he and I could have this moment of pure relief and happiness.

"Arya, I have missed you so much," Jon told her. "We all have."

"Do you know about Mother and Robb?" Sansa asked, hugging her sister once more.

Arya's grey-blue eyes that were once filled with warmth were now cold and knowing. Her brown hair was messy and short, but she still looked the same, just older. Now she has grown into her long face, and skinny body. She is only fifteen, but she looks older because of what she must have gone through.

Gods, Arya must have been through so much, and none of us were there for her... She was all alone in such a horrible world, and had to find her own way to survive. I should have been focused on finding her, not becoming queen.

I had to turn away from Arya to stop the tears that tried to spill. Aegon noticed, but he got the message that it was too soon to comfort me. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself and turned back to my family. Rickon should be here, and so should Bran.

"I am so sorry," I said to Arya. "You had to deal with everything by yourself. I should have looked for you. Honestly, I did not try as hard as I could have, and I am so sorry. No one even told you that Bran and Rickon are alive and well. Rickon is in Winterfell right now."

"Valyria, I have learned many things, and the importance of family is one of them," Arya stated. "I would like to see Rickon when I can. Do you have any food."

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