High Sparrow

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Sitting on the Iron Throne, watching everyone drop to their knees made me feel powerful. It made me feel like I could do anything, and as if nothing had ever gone wrong in my life. Everyone watched Aegon and I, and we watched them, letting it all sink in.

I motioned for everyone to stand, watching as they rushed to do what I commanded. Aegon let out a low, quiet chuckle. He squeezed my hand, and I turned to look at him.

Aegon's silver-white hair had blood splattered in it, and there was blood covering his armour and face. A few drops of it were his own, but most was the blood of dead men. He looked eerily beautiful in this light, and with blood on him, but beautiful all the same.

Our eyes met - steel and violet staring into each other. As one, we stood again, and both prepared to speak to the hall full of people. We would have to yell, as there were men outside of the Great Hall, trying to get in. This will be one of the moments of this war that will always be remembered.

Looking back on this, I might just feel nostalgic. My life will hopefully improve from here, but deep down inside I am a monster. I enjoy killing people. I enjoy the way I slash them open and tear them apart. My inner direwolf still yearns for more, even as I stand before my own people.

"We have won the war!" I yelled, receiving cheers back. "As the sun rises, it signifies a new era! A era in which we will all begin to feel more safe! A era in which the realm will not be in debt and the taxes will go down! It is the time of fair justice! It is the time of the Westerosi!"

Everyone screamed and cheered, and my ears felt as if they were going to bleed. The cheers kept my adrenaline high going, and I smiled at my people. It made men weak at the knees, and I knew it. Aegon smiled too, which charmed any women and men who like other men here.

"There will always be more battles to come, but for now we are safe!" Aegon added. "We thank each and every one of you for joining us, and for fighting beside us! The strength of this army, and of all of you, will be remembered forever!"

With another round of cheers, everyone began to leave the hall. My lords were sending them out, and I knew Stannis was telling them to leave the Red Keep. They would be sent home on the morrow, and after getting all of the high lords together in the Red Keep, things will become normal.

It took a while to get everyone out, but as soon as they were gone, I noticed that a few lords were not here. Alysanne was being treated by a healer, but Stannis was nowhere to be seen. Hunter and Brandon were not here either, but they were probably still in Maegor's Holdfast.

A few of the lords of the Westerlands and Reach were not here, as well as two of the River Lords. Asha stood with her lords, and I saw that the Sand Snakes were with the Dornish lords. There was a maester nearby, so I sent him up to the ravenry to invite my siblings and any missing lords to join us here within the next two weeks.

I glanced over to Cersei's body, hoping that she was still dead. What I saw would have made me sad a five years ago, but not now. Jaime was cradling Cersei's body, which I would have done with Robb if they had given me the chance. I let him have his solace.

"Where is Stannis?" I asked Ser Davos.

"He was taken to a set of chambers by one of the maesters," he told everyone. "A few of the lords and lordlings of the Reach are with him, and two of the lordlings of the Westerlands are too."

"I wish them all a speedy recovery," Aegon spoke, surprising me a little. "Both Queen Valyria and I thank you all for doing this. We have all lost someone tonight, no doubt, and although our victory cannot bring them back, it can immortalise their names. Every single one of you put your lives at risk, and that is truly kind of you."

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