Storm's End

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Hunter was so pale that it looked as if he had seen a ghost. He gripped the rail on the boat tighter then he needed to, and he looked tense, but also as if he were ready to get off the boat at any moment. I was with Brandon, the Greatjon, and the side-leader of the shifters who's name is Luca.

I chose Luca out of the rest of the shifters because he is smarter then the rest. All of them are intelligent, but my right hand shifter has to be the best of those who are with me. He has tan skin, which is rare for a wildling, blue-grey eyes and hair so brown that it looked black. He looked one-and-twenty, but he is really five-and-forty.

Despite my orders to take us around to Rain House, the captain of the ship decided to take us right into Cape Wrath, and then to Shipbreaker Bay. It is not called that for no reason, but he decided to put us all at risk anyway!

We were close to the dock, and I relaxed a little. In fact, it only took us about ten seconds to get there, so I whistled for Steel and Ice, who were sitting with three the shifters. They came over immediately, so all of us got onto the dock.

After everyone was with us, Hunter finally relaxed. I smiled at him, and then at Brandon who had been a bit worried too. The Umber men all got their things off the boat, and then we headed up to the castle itself.

"It is your castle, so you shall lead us there," I told Hunter.

Hunter took the lead, with Brandon, the Greatjon, Luca and I following closely behind. We must look as if we are beggars by walking up to such a grand castle, just hoping that we would be allowed entrance. I would not be surprised if this Aegon person told us to leave.

Thankfully, the walk to the Sea Gate was not that far, as Storm's End had a dock that was almost private and may as well be the castle's own. We stood there, as four guards, each with a bow and sword, just started at us.

We were a group of no more than nine-and-thirty, and we must all look mad. All of us were standing by the gate, looking as if we expected entrance to the castle. Luca was gripping his sword hilt, but had not yet drawn it.

"Who are you and what business do you have here?"

"It is Lady Stark!" I heard a familiar voice snap.

The gates were raised immediately, and I waited until I saw them in place before I walked in with all of the men with me. We walked all the way into a courtyard, where a group of men were standing. Tyrion Lannister, of all people, was with them.

There was a woman who was about forty who had brown hair, a clean-shaven man with his hair pulled back in a knot, a tall man with red hair that was turning grey and a beard that was much the same, a Summer Islander, a man in armour that looked nothing like a warrior, a fat man with scars all over his face, and a brawny man with orange hair.

I could see a young man standing behind them, but I could not actually see his face. Hunter was staring at the ground, in order to hide the colour of his eyes, and Brandon seemed to be anxious. As Luca is a wildling, he was unsure of what to do or feel, and the Greatjon seemed relaxed, but ready to fight.

For what seemed like an hour, we all stood there, staring down those across from us. I decided that it was too uncomfortable, so I stepped forward. Luca and Brandon came to follow me, but I gestured for them to stay where they were.

"May I ask who is in our presence?" The man with the greying red hair and beard asked.

"I am Lady Valyria of House Stark, Lady of Winterfell, Warden and Lady Paramount of the North, Mother of Wolves, Sword of Winter, and the Great Wolf," I stated. "With me is my trusted advisors Luca of the shifters, Lord Jon of House Umber, Brandon of House Tallhart, and our men."

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