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As I sat beside Hunter's bed, tears brimmed in my eyes. His breathing was getting shallower and it was clear that he would probably die. No one could tell me any different because they all knew that giving hope to someone with very few people left is dangerous.

Allister had been upfront and told me that he had never seen anyone out this long. He also said that the closer you get to the thing you fear most, the closer you get to death. If Hunter couldn't beat the thing he feared most, he would die.

No one had told me that it would damage Hunter if he woke up, but I am not a fool. He will not be the same. I know he will fear sleeping because he will see whatever he is experiencing right now. I also know that he will go crazy. He cannot possibly stay sane after an experience like this.

If I was not in Hunter's chambers, Allister or Brandon would be. Brandon had taken a liking to Hunter, but he was not going to like the Hunter that wakes up, if he ever does. It is a real shame because the three of them would make such a good team.

I know that losing those you love will never get easier, but I hate seeing Hunter struggle like this. If there was no chance of him waking up, I would kill him and put him out of his misery. However, Hunter is a fighter and will fight to wake up.

Brandon and Allister entered the room, meaning I had to go to a meeting now. All of the shape-shifters were meeting in the hall to discuss things. I did not know what they wanted to talk about, but I was not that worried. I had more important things to worry about.

I got to my feet, just to be hugged by Brandon and Allister. I gave them a fake smile, then made my way to the hall. Hopefully this would be a short meeting because I do not really know these people and they all seem to hate me.

As I walked into the hall, I saw that all of the shape-shifters were gathered in a corner. Even the children were here, which was surprising. Maybe the children were there because there was nowhere for them to go and be looked after.

"Sorry that I am so late," I said, walking over to the shape-shifters. "There has been no improvement with my friend and we do not want to leave him alone, just in case he wakes up. Or if he dies. No one should die alone."

"That is sort of why we are all here," Dahlia told me.

Dahlia looked quite nice. Her dark brown hair was in a braid and her blue eyes radiated power. If I had to take a guess at who the alpha was, I would say it was her. Everyone respected her, but it was clear that they also feared her.

"We were deciding what to do with you before more of your Southerners arrived," Dahlia reminded me. "I do believe we wanted to kill you. However, seeing how we were interrupted, everyone gets a second chance to say what they want."

These people had heard my apology and had not liked it. That means I have to stand my ground and show them that I am strong and willing to learn and make up for what I did. However, I have to be harsh to do that.

"You could have managed to get away with killing me on your side of the Wall, but not on mine," I told them, coldly. "Now we are in the North and it is mine by right. At least three houses will come to avenge me if you kill the last known-living Stark. That, and I will fight until I die."

"Kill her!" A man screamed.

"Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" Everyone was chanting, but I did not fear them.

"NO!" The little girl screamed over the crowd. They all fell silent. "I do not want to see someone die, not until I hear why they did it. I want to know what it is like on this side of the Wall. She is the only one who is keeping us here."

The shape-shifters began to whisper amongst themselves. They were angry whispers, but I refused to fear them. There is no way that I am going to die today. I will scream and fight and do whatever it takes to stay alive. If Arya or Sansa come back, they will need me.

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