Getting To Know You

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I have been in Winterfell for six days, and it has started to furiously snow again. We had to get all of the Golden Company to move to the front gate of Winterfell, where they are safest from the storm. All of the troops are within Winterfell's first wall now, just in case.

Rickon's chambers had been moved so they were next to mine. All he had to do was knock on the door, and assuming I was there, he could talk to me. However, I have been sleeping in the Burned Tower the past few nights. It is peaceful there, and it is where all of my things are.

As I am the Lady of Winterfell, I was moved to the chambers that my parents used to sleep in. I offered to give up the chambers that once belonged to my parents to Aegon and then Jon Connington, but they both denied it. Aegon took Bran's chambers, and Jon took Rickon's old ones.

Hunter and Brandon were a floor below me, but still close enough to be of help if I need it. Robb's old chambers were untouched, which was the way I wanted it. Not even Roose Bolton had been so cruel as to move someone into the chambers of their dead king.

My father's solar is now my own, and I cannot help but think of the times when I would come in and he would tell me a story. Old Nan's stories had been well-told, but they never interested me after I heard them once. Father always told a different story, and it was usually about the North.

Aegon had agreed to meet me at the Burned Tower, so that was where I was waiting. I got him to agree not to bring any guards, as I am not bringing Steel or Ice. They are with their brother, Shaggydog, and are teaching him to behave, while Rickon is taught how to use a sword properly.

The snow storms have ended now, but the snow is still heavy. According to the Greatjon and Barbrey Dustin, this will happen often. We still have half a moon before we should leave Winterfell to go and kill the Freys, so I plan to enjoy my time here while I still can.

"It is freezing out here," Aegon said, making me jump. He then laughed at me. "Did I scare you?"

"I would not tell you if you did," I pointed out. "Follow me, my prince. I want to show you where my old chambers were. It is my second favorite place in Winterfell."

I led Aegon into the Burned Tower. He was hesitant to follow me, but he did anyway. We walked up the stairs and he easily made the jump to get into my chambers. When we actually entered, he did not even try to hide the fact that he was looking around.

My bed was against the wall, with a chest at the end of it. Across the room there was another chest, but this one had clothes in it. There was a mirror, but it faced the wall so I did not have to look at myself in the early morning.

The chest at the foot of my bed had been left open. Aegon looked at me to see if he could look in it, and I just nodded. He picked up my first ever bow, and smiled at how small it was. Then he looked at my first sword and dagger. There was letters in there, and he read one of them, but not the rest.

Aegon watched me as I crossed my chambers to look out my window. He glanced out of it too. He just saw the courtyard, and the rest of Winterfell, but it is not like that. When the sun rises, you see it over the walls of my home. It is quite a beautiful sight.

"You can see most of Winterfell from here," Aegon stated. "This place is cold, but it is built to survive. It has an odd beauty to it with the frost covering the outer walls. Am I going to get to see your very favorite place here or is it private?"

"That is the Godswood," I told him. "Follow me if you wish to see it."

We left the room, and once again we had to jump. Aegon cleared it, and almost fell down the stairs. He would have if I did not stop him. A smile lit up his face, but he did not say anything. He just followed me out of the tower and through the courtyards.

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