The Wrath of The King (Brandon)

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As Hunter and I rode over to Stannis' camp - which was in crofter's village and only three days away from Winterfell - we were greeted by the king himself. When we saw him, I whistled for Steel and Ice, who came immediately.

Ser Davos was not with Stannis, which was the first thing I noticed about him. He stood there with his arms crossed, and six guards were with him. It was clear that Stannis was not pleased, even from four minutes away. We were going to be chided, as if we were children.

Steel and Ice were sweet to me, but gave Hunter grief. He tried to get Steel to get off of him once, but she just sat there and licked his face. I laughed and explained that because I had spent so much time with Valyria that they were more willing to listen to me. They would always be Valyria's wolves though.

Steel and Ice could be naughty, but I easily calmed them. Hunter seemed to think of them as annoying, and I understood that. I could understand why Valyria loved them. They were a reminder of the happy moments of her past and reminded her of when she found them and how happy all of her family had been.

These past few days, Hunter and I had both been quiet. We worried about the same person; Valyria. Although we both know that she can protect herself just fine, it would be better if she had let us go with her. It is not safe for her to be left with the Boltons and the Freys, despite Northern lords being there.

When we finally reached Stannis, Steel and Ice waited by Brandon. Valyria had commanded them to protect the both of us, but it was clear the direwolves had a favourite and that was me. Hunter did not seem to like that, but it was because of his feelings for Valyria. She had feelings for him, but they had not yet discussed it, despite Valyria letting him bed her.

"Where is Valyria Stark?" Stannis asked, as Alysanne Mormont and Galbart Glover came over.

"That is a story for any time but now," Hunter insisted, nervously smiling.

"Brandon, tell me where Valyria Stark is or I will have you punished!" Stannis snapped, knowing that he had two Northerners watching.

Hunter shook his head at me as we made eye-contact. Telling Stannis what happened would anger him, but not telling him would anger him, and you just cannot win. Alysanne Mormont also looked as if she were furious because Valyria was not here and we were not explaining why.

Galbart Glover just stood there, patiently waiting, and that calmed me down a bit. Steel and Ice tensed up and were getting ready to fight, if that was necessary. I think Valyria used her abilities to command them to protect Hunter and I.

"Lady Valyria is very stubborn and we all know this, so we could not stop her from going to Winterfell," I explained, getting ready to be yelled at. "I swear it on the Old Gods that we begged her to at least take her direwolves, but she said that would make her even more of a threat. You see, Roose Bolton is said to be marrying Arya Stark to his son, Ramsay Bolton."

"You just let her go," Stannis stated, his words filled with anger. "Why did you just let her walk in there alone?! She is at risk and is the last Stark! We do not even know if this girl is Arya Stark! If you had any brains, one of you would have gone with her, despite her protests!"

"My lord, you clearly do not know Lady Stark," Galbart Glover said, trying to calm him. "She is intelligent, but when she has her mind set on something, she will go through with it no matter what. I remember she led the decoy to let Robb win the Battle of the Whispering Wood, despite even her mother saying she should not do it. Catelyn hated Valyria, so you would think the girl would listen, but she did cut into the Lannister forces a little during the decoy."

Stannis seemed unimpressed with Galbart's words, and so was Hunter. They both looked bored and it was amusing to see them pull the same face. Hunter is far more handsome than Stannis, but I do think he could look like his brother if he cut off all his hair and aged a bit faster.

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