Kings and Queens

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A/N: There's a little bit of smut at the end

Standing in the dress that I would wed Aegon in, the realization hit me in one sudden, swift movement. I realized that I would be a queen, and a wife, and one day a mother to princes and princesses. I would be more powerful than ever, and people would look to me for guidance.

This is not a game any more. It is not like when I was a child, where Robb, Jon, Theon and I would rule over our own fake kingdoms and fight battles together. No, this is the real thing. It is not all about war or looking pretty. It is about cunning and political astuteness, as well as power, love, and fear.

Today I will wed Aegon, and when the bedding is over, I will officially be his queen. I will be the rightful queen of the Seven Kingdoms. All those who side with Aegon and I will have to bow down to me, and I just have to accept it.

Two young girls were doing my hair, and I was unsure as to what exactly they were doing, but it did not bother me. As long as I do not look terrible, it will be fine. I will be laughed at if I look terrible, and that is another worry of mine.

If I have to worry about these kind of things as queen, my heart is going to burst before I reach fifty. I will go to a much earlier grave then my people and I usually do, and everyone will suspect foul play. There are too many things to have to worry about. I do not know if I am ready yet, but I will have to be.

There was a knock on the door to my chambers as soon as the two young girls were finished with my hair. I turned to see Brandon there, meaning it was time to go. It is time to wed Aegon and become the new queen.

"You look beautiful," Brandon told me, smiling. "It is not a surprise, but I thought I should tell you." I took his arm and left my chambers with him. "Do not be nervous. You will be queen soon."

"What do you think Robb would say?" I asked, as we walked down the stairs. "Do you think he would be happy for me?"

"I think he would be proud of his sister," Brandon stated. "He would smile and hand you over to Aegon, even if he never wants to let you leave his side. Robb should be here, not me, but I am all you have got. I know I am happy for you."

We had decided that a Septon would listen to us say our vows in front of a Heart Tree. This was so I will not have to say my vows twice, and neither will Aegon. I think it would make me even more nervous if I had to remember the words for two occasions.

Brandon smiled at me, trying to reassure me, but it was not much help. This is the most nervous I have ever felt in my life, and I do not know why. All I have to do is smile and say a few words about how I am Aegon's and he is mine for the rest of his life, as mine will go a lot longer.

As we entered the Godswood, I took a deep breath and forced a smile onto my face. It was only a small smile, or it would clearly be very fake, but that should be enough. I somehow made it seem like I was calm and confident, which Brandon laughed at.

We got to where everyone was waiting, and they all turned to look at me. My smile became genuine as I saw Aegon waiting for me. His pale skin was glowing with happiness, and he had a smile on his face. His purple eyes twinkled like stars, and his hair was freshly cut.

I walked with Brandon as he led me over to Aegon, who will be my king and husband by the end of this. The North will be his, and Westeros will be mine. Our power will be shared, but the Northmen will still obey me over him.

Reluctantly, Brandon let go of my arm and let Aegon bring me towards him. I smiled at Brandon, and then at my silver king. Aegon's smile grew wider, which I did not think was possible until now.

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