In The Crypts

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The sun shone into the chambers, but Aegon still held onto me. He looked so peaceful, so I just stayed in his arms. His hair turned to pure silver in the light of the early morning sun, and his pale skin had a certain glow to it.

Aegon clearly did not want to wake up, but it was only a matter of time before someone would knock on the door to the chambers and wake the sleeping king. I played with a lock of his silver hair, making sure I was being careful so I would not wake him. I wish I could rest so peacefully.

I almost missed the groan that escaped Aegon's lips when I stopped playing with his hair. He forced his eyes open and smiled at me. The smile was evidence of how tired, yet happy he was. It made me feel warm in the freezing winter air.

He pulled me even closer, so our bare bodies were touching again. His lips pressed to my forehead, as he refused to let me go. I sighed, not even bothering to argue. It was freezing, but Aegon was warm and so was his embrace.

Today I would have to talk to Jon, and re-introduce him to Rickon. Poor little Rickon remembered us all, but it took a bit of effort to remind him who certain people are. Just seeing Jon in the hall will not remind him of his bastard brother, which is unfortunate.

"You playing with my hair felt really nice," Aegon whispered in my ear, his voice husky and deep. "So did last night, but we do not have time to do that again, do we?"

"Well, we must break our fast soon or everyone will become suspicious," I told him, pulling away from him. "Once, one of the Karstarks were marrying someone, and their door was broken down, and they found the two naked. I would rather not have something like that happen to me."

"Do not leave," he whined, as I got off the bed and crossed the room. "The view is very nice, but having it next to me would be better."

I laughed at Aegon, but did not turn to look at him. His words were bolder then I had expected, but I did not mind. There is no way I love him, not yet, but that does not mean I cannot feel affection towards him. He is kinder then the stories of most of the Targaryen kings and princes, and for that I am thankful.

As I had suspected, my clothes had been moved into here. I wore breeches, and a thick tunic. Over that I wore boiled leather, then my armour, and then a grey cloak, that I fastened with a pin that is made to be the Targaryen sigil.

Aegon was still laying in bed when I turned around, but he smiled at me. It was the kind of smile that I remember Theon always having before the Boltons tortured him. It was confident, sure, and clearly very pleased.

"Stark colours, but a Targaryen sigil," Aegon stated, getting out of the bed and walking over to me. "I like you better without clothing, but you do look very lovely." He kissed my forehead and then went to dress himself. "You should wear your crown today, Valyria. My temporary one is ready."

As I turned, Aegon handed me my crown. He held his own, which was made of gold with sapphire set into it. It looked like a band, much like the crown of the first Aegon Targaryen, but this one shone with the sun. I knew that Aegon would take the crown of the first Aegon, and I was excited to see him in it if we ever take the Iron Throne.

I placed my crown on my head and used the mirror to make sure it was in place. When it was, I turned to face Aegon, who was now frowning. I looked over to the door, which he had opened, and found both Steel and Ice sitting there.

A laugh escaped my lips and my direwolves bounded over to me. I got down on my knees and hugged them both, as they licked my face and nuzzled my shoulders. They tried to knock me over, but I got back up and pet them both.

When I turned to Aegon, there was a slight smile on his face. He held his arm out for me, so I took it. We walked together, down the stairs and out of the tower so we could enter the hall from the front. I did not particularly want to enter the way we had left last night.

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