Mother Dearest

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I do not know how, but we made it around Moat Cailin without being seen. Then it took us two days to get out of the North and into the Riverlands. Now that we had arrived, I saw that this kingdom had been so much nicer before, even though it was still war-torn.

All of the Riverlands were destroyed. We passed a group of men who were riding as fast as they could, as someone chased them. I did not intervene, as I knew better. The group probably stole, but the man could have been just as guilty of something.

With a day left before it became our third week since leaving the Wall, we found the Brotherhood Without Banners. I assumed that if anyone was to know where Mother was, it would be them. When we rode closer to the inn that they were near, I heard men singing and enjoying themselves.

As we got to the inn, we all got off our horses. We took them to the stables ourselves, which was oddly satisfying. It let me do things for myself and I liked that. I liked to feel like I was independant and like I was allowed to do things for myself.

Hunter tossed me a tent as I slung my bag over my back. We knew better than to leave our things here, as someone might steal them. Steel and Ice were on edge here too, but we have visited once before. It had been a lovely place then, but so much can change in two years.

Brandon came to my side as I rested my spare hand on my sword and walked into the inn. Everyone we passed turned to stare at us. We walked over to the small desk where a woman was sitting. Hunter handed me a few silver stags.

"Excuse me, ma'am," I said, getting the woman's attention. "My companions and I wish to stay the night. We will only need two rooms. I am willing to pay you sixteen silver stags."

"That is more than enough, my lady," she agreed. "Here are the keys to your rooms."

She handed me two sets of keys and I took them. I handed one to Hunter and we went up the stairs to find our rooms. They were at the very end of the hall, which I was grateful for, but also wary of. There are others here, and the back is a good place to corner someone.

Steel and Ice went into my room first. When I walked in, they sat down and relaxed. I shut the door and then sat on the ground with my direwolves. Steel's fur really was the colour of steel now and her green eyes were beautiful. Ice's eyes were still a light blue, almost like ice, for which she was named.

They both jumped onto me and began to lick my face. I giggled like a little girl for the first time in years. It will soon reach three since Father left and that saddens me. The memories were so happy and bright, but they left me so broken and dull.

My direwolves let me sit up and I pulled them close. We laid on the floor and I pressed my face against both of them and let a few tears slip out. Wolves do not cry, but I am only half wolf. People cry and I am a person.

Robb would hold me in his arms and let me cry. He would whisper and tell me that I will be okay. When the war began and father died, he could not do that any longer. That war made us drift it apart, but it also made our bond a lot stronger. The Red Wedding took my other half by cutting him from me.

Now no one will hold me and tell me it is alright. Even if they do, it will not be the same. They will not be my big brother. They can never be the other half that completes me because that was Robb. Your other half does not need to be your lover. They can simply be the one you are closest to, and that was Robb.

There was a knock on the door, so I blinked my tears away and forced myself to my feet. I opened my door and was not surprised to see both Hunter and Brandon. A forced smile was on my face, and I was aware it did not reach my eyes, but I was hoping they did not notice it.

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