Mistakes (Brandon)

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Valyria and I were riding at the back of the army today. We have only just left the Twins, but she seems a lot happier. She is not happy because she is not being reminded of those she loved who have died there - she is happy because Aegon fucked her.

I noticed it when she glanced at him, and then he smirked at her. I was just glad that Valyria was happy, even if it would only last a short time. The deaths of Allister and the Greatjon had affected us all, but she has the added strength of leading an army and winning a war. Sure, she shares the responsibility with Aegon, but if they fail Valyria will be blamed.

Times like this make me think she would have been happier with Hunter. If she wanted her revenge so badly, as she had to do was kill Tommen, Myrcella, and Cersei. Then she could have wedded Hunter and taken the throne.

Aegon makes Valyria happy, and it is in a way Hunter never could, but it is clear that Hunter cares for her more than the King. That will change over time, but she is my best friend. I am allowed to think that she deserves to be happy.

The brooding Baratheon Prince himself was riding in the middle of the army. There is obvious tension between him and Aegon over Valyria, so he does not ride at the front. If he rode at the back, he would see how Valyria is wincing because Aegon fucked her really hard.

As for love, I do feel something for a woman named Caetherys. She refuses to tell me her last name, and she looks familiar, but I cannot remember where I saw her. All I know is that she is beautiful, and is with us as a nurse.

"Lord Brandon Tallhart," a familiar voice called, sounding like soft bell chimes.

I turned and saw Caetherys herself. Valyria laughed and dug her heels into her horse, making it go a little faster. She struggles with controlling this one, as it is wild and it is not Century. I was confused as to why, but Valyria refused to bring her war horse to war.

Caetherys had pale skin, and hair which was so dark a brown that it looked black. The way her hair flowed down her back in perfect waves mesmerized me, and so did her bright green eyes. It was such a green that it did not look natural at first. She was of average height, but is so unbelievably graceful.

When I smiled at Caetherys, I saw Valyria turn around. She froze in place, and made her horse stop. All of the men around us continued on, but I made the decision to stop. Valyria knew Caetherys, and I had to know how.

There was confusion in Valyria's eyes as she got off her horse. She handed the reins to a passing man, and then I got off my horse and did the same. Caetherys anxiously smiled at her queen, and it was very clear that they knew each other.

Shock ran through me when Valyria threw her arms around Caetherys, but I was still confused. Is it at all possible that I would forget someone so beautiful if I have met them before? It could be that I did not pay her much attention, as I was very sure of myself when I started the war. That must be it, as there is no other possible explanation.

"Caetherys, I thought you died at Winterfell," Valyria said, smiling out of disbelief. "How did you survive? How did you get out without Theon or Ramsay realizing?"

Realization on how Valyria knew Caetherys hit me hard. She had been advised to use her shifting by Caetherys, and then had become friends. When we all heard that Theon destroyed Winterfell, we just assumed she was dead too.

"My lady, I had to sleep with Theon as a distraction, and then I left with your brothers," Caetherys told her, quietly. "Bran went past the Wall, so I went with Rickon. When I found out that they were headed to Skaagos, I decided to stay behind as a nurse to help all those who were injured in the war."

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