Little Brother

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After what was possibly the most uneventful trip in my life, all of the Golden Company, apart from those on the ship with the elephants on it, were at White Harbour. Harry Strickland would not stop whining, so I threatened to tear his tongue out. That had surprised Aegon, who was beginning to see that I am not always so kind to those who anger me.

We stayed at White Harbour for a night, where Wyman Manderly's children welcomed us and upheld the tradition of guest right. Then we moved on and did not stop at any more castles, so we could move faster. I wanted to return to Winterfell, as Stannis said there was someone there waiting for me.

Now I was home, and the Golden Company had set up their camp outside of Winterfell, on the opposite side to Stannis' camp. If we were not so far North, we would be at risk of attack, but at least we will be able to bring the Golden Company around to the front of Winterfell for a battle.

Despite the protests of both Jon and I, Aegon was coming with us into the gates of Winterfell. It may be my castle, but that is currently only in name. Stannis is in the castle and has taken control of it. Barbrey Dustin and Wyman Manderly would protest, but it would not work.

Making Wyman Manderly and Barbrey Dustin joint castellans of Winterfell would seem foolish. I named them both castellans because they are both cunning, and one is much more loyal then the other. That means no one can destroy my castle, and if I move needs to be made, they would agree on what the very best move would be.

The guards let me in as soon as I drew back my hood, and offered to guard us until we got to the hall, but I denied them. Harry Strickland, Black Balaq, Jon Connington, Luca, the Greatjon, Rolly Duckfield, Franklyn Flowers, Tristan Rivers, Lysono Marr, Hunter, Brandon, Aegon and I can protect ourselves. In fact, the thirteen of us could probably take on all of the guards here, and some of us would still live.

"Are you sure about this?" The Greatjon asked me. "They will welcome Hunter, Brandon, Luca and I, as well as the shifters with you, but what about the others?"

"No Northern lord will harm anyone under my protection, and Stannis will listen to me because no one will side with him if he does not," I insisted. "When I said that my lords and ladies did not have to side with him if they did not want to, he agreed to leave them be. If he breaks that promise, he will never be the king he claims he has to be."

Before anyone else could say something, I pushed the doors open and walked into the hall. Brandon was on my right, and Hunter was on my left. Luca and the Greatjon entered behind me, with Aegon and his men cloaked, and behind them.

I held my head high and the hood of my cloak was pushed back as I strode down the hall. Stannis was sitting on my throne, with his wife and child on his left, and Davos and another man on his right. All of my lords that were free were at that table, and everyone watched me.

When I passed Theon and Yara, I nodded at them and kept going. No one was going to stop me from looking important. I had to look important, or Stannis would name me a traitor, call for my head, and that would start a battle within the walls of Winterfell.

When I reached the steps that would lead up to the dais, I stopped. The Greatjon's uncles, Hother and Mors, came and embraced him. Ser Davos and Stannis rose from their seats, and both looked at those in armour, with their hoods up.

My shifters had joined their families, including Luca. Hunter and Brandon stood in line with me, as we always did. Not even the most foolish fool could doubt that they belonged by my side. They are my best friends, as my father and King Robert were, and they always stood together, so we shall too.

"Lady Stark, welcome back to Winterfell," Stannis said. "Who are the men you have brought with you? I swear that I will not harm them unless I see it right."

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