Battle For The Dawn

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Aegon and I stood in front of a rather small army compared to what we were used to. Some men were Wildlings, some were Southerners, and some were from the North. A few of these men even came from the Golden Company and had stayed to serve Aegon.

Hunter, Brandon, Jon, and Samwell Tarly all stood with me. Loras, Brienne, and the rest of the Kingsguard were standing nearby, but they all understood that they were to fight as a team today. Every single one of us are fighting to live, but I do not think anyone has realised that or let it sink in.

It was freezing today, and if I were not a shifter, I imagine that I would be worried about frostbite right now. The wind was ice-cold and whipped at my bare skin, but I ignored it. I have a plan to put in motion, men to convince to fight for me, and an army to command.

Rhaegal and Viserion seemed cold themselves, despite being fire made flesh. No one went near them, apart to feed them the horses that keep dying. In this cold, every single horse that goes outside drops dead, but it is helpful when you have two still-growing dragons to feed.

When I first heard the prince that was promised prophecy, I thought nothing of it. Now that I have read and learned everything I can about it, I believe that Aegon is that prince. He was born when the red comet first appeared, and he has lived among smoke and salt. He is the blood of the dragon, and Daenerys and I are both the other two heads to guide him.

Daenerys is a councillor of kindness and compassion, while I am a councillor of war and cunning. Aegon is the ruler, and the true prince. I would not be queen without him, and Daenerys would not be alive if Hunter and I had of taken the Iron Throne in the first place.

"Calm down, my love," Aegon whispered. "Just tell the men that we will be fine and try to convince yourself of the same thing. Act like you are reassuring our children if you must."

I nodded and then smiled at Aegon. I stepped forward with him, and everyone looked to us. He was not used to this, and although I was, I can safely say that you will always be nervous. I am leading probably most of these men to their deaths, but they do not know that.

"In less then an hour, the Second Battle for the Dawn will begin," Aegon stated, having to yell above the wind. "For the second time in 8000 years, we will have to fight the White Walkers to stop an eternal winter that some called the Long Night. You will know them when you see them, and we will all fight valiantly if it comes down to it."

"Death itself will look us all in the face during this battle, but I urge you to keep fighting," I continued, also yelling over the wind. "If we stop fighting or run away or give up, all of our families will die. Everyone and everything we love will be destroyed. Fight for your families, or for yourselves if you must. Just know that we must keep fighting, and that we are as prepared as we can be."

"Men of the Night's Watch, to your positions!" Jon commanded. "Golden Company, to your positions! Wildlings, to your positions! Armies of Queen Valyria and King Aegon, to your positions! You are under the command of Stannis, Hunter, Brandon, and I mainly!"

Stannis and Jon walked off with the men, after I hugged them both. I know that Jon will be fine, and I worry for Stannis, but it is Hunter and Brandon who worry me most. They have never faced such a threat, and they are the two people I am closest to in this world.

Aegon went to tell the Kingsguard what to do, and I prepared myself. My sword and obsidian dagger were at my sides, and Rhaegal was ready to breathe his flames and kill the wights. All I needed now was to tell my closest friends, who are family to me, that they must be careful.

Brandon held the ring Caetherys gave him, and Hunter had a sad look on his face. He and Laena may still be slowly falling in love, but part of him loves me too. I think part of us both will always love each other, but it cannot be rekindled for another lifetime, which we will both easily live out.

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